#include "postgres.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "commands/explain.h"
/* set_indent_string
* set indent string, which is used for forming indent
set_indent_string(char *str);
* callback types
* indent - indent level, -1 - no indent (not "human readible", preserves spacing)
* indent is changed by callback, in order to show next expected intend
* name - node name
* params - consists of variables of Property type
* prefix,suffix - output results, prefix and suffix
* node without children return whole string,
* prefix and suffix don't make sense for it
typedef void (*SerializeNodeWithChildrenCallback)(int *indent, char *name, List *params, StringInfo prefix, StringInfo suffix);
typedef char* (*SerializeNodeWithoutChildrenCallback)(int indent, char *name, List *params, char *value);
typedef char* (*SerializeListSeparatorCallback)(int indent);
/* serialize_node_with_children_callback_json
* prefix := '{"name":name,children:['
* suffix := ']}'
serialize_node_with_children_callback_json(int *indent, char *name, List *param, StringInfo prefix, StringInfo suffix);
/* serialize_node_with_children_callback_json
* check indent meaning in callbacks description
* returns '{"name":"NAME","value":"VALUE"}'
serialize_node_without_children_callback_json(int indent, char *name, List *params, char *value);
/* serialize_list_separator_callback_json
* returns separator string between list members
* returns ","
serialize_list_separator_callback_json(int indent);
/* serialize_node_with_children_callback_json
* check indent meaning in callbacks description
* prefix := '...'
* suffix := ''
serialize_node_with_children_callback_xml(int *indent, char *name, List *params, StringInfo prefix, StringInfo suffix);
/* serialize_node_with_children_callback_json
* check indent meaning in callbacks description
* returns '...'
serialize_node_without_children_callback_xml(int indent, char *name, List *params, char *value);
/* serialize_list_separator_callback_xml
* returns separator string between list members
* returns ""
serialize_list_separator_callback_xml(int indent);
/* serialize_const
* returns stirng representation of the specified const
serialize_const(Const *c);
/* serialize_const
* returns stirng representation of the specified node
* indent - indent level, -1 - no indent at all
* callbacks - for having 1 funciton for json/xml types
serialize_node(int indent, Node *node, SerializeNodeWithChildrenCallback nwc_cb, SerializeNodeWithoutChildrenCallback nwoc_cb, SerializeListSeparatorCallback ls_cb);
* serialize_qual
* qual - "implicitly-ANDed qual conditions"
* iterate through list of quals
* create json or xml structure
* return it back as result
* this same routine will be used with different callbacks
* for different types (json, xml)
serialize_quals(bool human_readable, List *qual, SerializeNodeWithChildrenCallback nwc_cb, SerializeNodeWithoutChildrenCallback nwoc_cb, SerializeListSeparatorCallback ls_cb);