<literal>Veil2</literal> Changes History Change History Version git tag Release Date Notes 0.5 (alpha) n/a n/a This was the version number used for original development. There was no release of this version. 0.9 (beta) v0.9 202005020 The first public release. Announced to pgsql-announce 20200521. 0.9.1 (beta) v0.9.1 20201218 Major update to: make Veil2 a Postgres extension; test and improve performance; improve testing, and fix bugs; add the minimal demo; improve documentation. 0.9.2 (beta) v0.9.2 20201229 Update to: improve documentation; improve performance; improve testing, and fix bugs; improve the pgxn metadata and rendering of docs. It is believed that this version will be stable. There are no planned enhancements or updates at the time of release. Consider this a production release candidate. 0.9.3 (beta) v0.9.2 20210414 Update to fix compilation problems with Postgres 11. It is believed that this version will be stable. There are no planned enhancements or updates at the time of release. Consider this a production release candidate.
Veil2 will be upgraded to production status once it has proved to be effective and free of serious deficiencies.