Secure Your Views (STEP 10)
Just as with tables, user-facing views should be secured. You can
do this either explicitly, by adding privilege testing functions to
the view definitions, or implicitly by building the views on
tables that have already been secured. In this latter case, the
views will need to be owned by a separate database role from that
which owns the tables as views are processed with the access
rights of their owners.
This is best explained by example. Here is an example from the
create or replace
view party_roles (
org_context_id) as
select ar.accessor_id, r.role_name,
case when ar.context_type_id = 3
then ar.context_id
else null
case when ar.context_type_id = 4
then ar.context_id
else null
from veil2.accessor_roles ar
inner join veil2.roles r
on r.role_id = ar.role_id
inner join veil2.scope_types st
on st.scope_type_id = ar.context_type_id
where veil2.i_have_global_priv(20)
or veil2.i_have_priv_in_scope(20, 3, context_id)
or veil2.i_have_priv_in_scope(20, 4, context_id);
Note that if the view is updatable you will also need to build
instead-of triggers or some equivalent, that take into account
update, insert and delete privileges. One wrinkle with updatable
views is that they should not allow modifications of rows that
they would not be allowed to see, so the select privilege must
usually be explicitly tested in addition to the select, insert or
update privilege.
Views do provide some interesting possibilities though. One is to
use the privilege testing functions on specific columns to make
access controls even more fine-grained.