SQLX_OFFLINE:=true DATABASE_URL:=postgres://${USER}:${USER}@localhost:28815/postgres DISTNAME = $(shell grep -m 1 '^name' Trunk.toml | sed -e 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/') DISTVERSION = $(shell grep -m 1 '^version' Trunk.toml | sed -e 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/') sqlx-cache: cargo sqlx prepare format: SQLX_OFFLINE=${SQLX_OFFLINE} cargo +nightly fmt --all SQLX_OFFLINE=${SQLX_OFFLINE} cargo clippy # ensure the DATABASE_URL is not used, since pgrx will stop postgres during compile run: SQLX_OFFLINE=true DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL} cargo pgrx run pg15 postgres META.json: META.json.in Trunk.toml @sed "s/@CARGO_VERSION@/$(DISTVERSION)/g" META.json.in > META.json # `git archive` only archives committed stuff, so use `git stash create` to # create a temporary commit to archive. $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip: META.json git archive --format zip --prefix $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION)/ --add-file META.json -o $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip HEAD pgxn-zip: $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip clean: @rm -rf META.json $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip