pub mod common { use anyhow::Result; use log::LevelFilter; use serde::Serialize; use sqlx::postgres::{PgConnectOptions, PgPoolOptions}; use sqlx::{ConnectOptions, FromRow}; use sqlx::{Pool, Postgres, Row}; use url::{ParseError, Url}; #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(FromRow, Debug, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct SearchResult { pub product_id: i32, pub product_name: String, pub description: String, pub similarity_score: f64, } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(FromRow, Debug, Serialize)] pub struct SearchJSON { pub search_results: serde_json::Value, } pub async fn connect(url: &str) -> Pool { let options = conn_options(url).expect("failed to parse url"); println!("URL: {}", url); PgPoolOptions::new() .acquire_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)) .max_connections(5) .connect_with(options) .await .expect("failed to connect to pg") } pub async fn init_database() -> Pool { let username = whoami::username(); let database_port = database_port(); let conn = connect(&format!( "postgres://{username}:postgres@localhost:{database_port}/postgres" )) .await; let _ = sqlx::query("DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS vectorize CASCADE") .execute(&conn) .await .expect("failed to create extension"); // CREATE EXTENSION let _ = sqlx::query("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vectorize CASCADE") .execute(&conn) .await .expect("failed to create extension"); // Optional dependencies let _ = sqlx::query("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vectorscale CASCADE") .execute(&conn) .await .expect("failed to create vectorscale extension"); conn } pub fn database_port() -> usize { if cfg!(feature = "pg17") { 28817 } else if cfg!(feature = "pg16") { 28816 } else if cfg!(feature = "pg15") { 28815 } else if cfg!(feature = "pg14") { 28814 } else { 5432 } } pub fn conn_options(url: &str) -> Result { // Parse url let parsed = Url::parse(url)?; let options = PgConnectOptions::new() .host(parsed.host_str().ok_or(ParseError::EmptyHost)?) .port(parsed.port().ok_or(ParseError::InvalidPort)?) .username(parsed.username()) .password(parsed.password().ok_or(ParseError::IdnaError)?) .database(parsed.path().trim_start_matches('/')) .log_statements(LevelFilter::Debug); Ok(options) } pub async fn init_test_table(table: &str, conn: &Pool) { let create = format!( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} (LIKE vectorize.example_products INCLUDING ALL);" ); let insert = format!( " DO $$ BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table}) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO {table} SELECT * FROM vectorize.example_products; END IF; END $$; " ); for q in vec![create, insert] { sqlx::query(&q) .execute(conn) .await .expect("failed to create test table"); } } pub async fn row_count(fq_table_name: &str, conn: &Pool) -> i64 { let q = format!( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {fq_table_name};", fq_table_name = fq_table_name ); sqlx::query(&q) .fetch_one(conn) .await .expect("failed to select from test_table") .get::(0) } pub async fn init_embedding_svc_url(conn: &Pool) { let set_guc = format!( "ALTER SYSTEM SET vectorize.embedding_service_url to '';" ); let reload = "SELECT pg_reload_conf();".to_string(); for q in vec![set_guc, reload] { sqlx::query(&q) .execute(conn) .await .expect("failed to init embedding svc url"); } } pub async fn search_with_retry( conn: &Pool, query: &str, job_name: &str, retries: usize, delay_seconds: usize, num_results: i32, filter: Option, ) -> Result> { let mut results: Vec = vec![]; let filter_param = match filter { Some(f) => format!(",where_sql => $VECTDELIM${f}$VECTDELIM$"), None => "".to_string(), }; let query = format!( "SELECT * from job_name => '{job_name}', query => '{query}', return_columns => ARRAY['product_id', 'product_name', 'description'], num_results => {num_results} {filter_param} ) as search_results;" ); for i in 0..retries { results = sqlx::query_as::<_, SearchJSON>(&query) .fetch_all(conn) .await?; let num_returned = results.len(); if num_returned != num_results as usize { println!( "job_name: {}, num_results: {}, retrying search query: {}/{}", job_name, num_returned, i + 1, retries ); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(delay_seconds as u64)).await; } else { return Ok(results); } } let js_results = serde_json::to_value(&results).unwrap(); println!("results: {:?}", js_results); Err(anyhow::anyhow!("timed out waiting for search query")) } pub async fn hybrid_search_with_retry( conn: &Pool, query: &str, job_name: &str, retries: usize, delay_seconds: usize, num_results: i32, filter: Option, ) -> Result> { let mut results: Vec = vec![]; let filter_param = match filter { Some(f) => format!(",where_sql => $VECTDELIM${f}$VECTDELIM$"), None => "".to_string(), }; let query = format!( "SELECT * from vectorize.hybrid_search( job_name => '{job_name}', query => '{query}', return_columns => ARRAY['product_id', 'product_name', 'description'], num_results => {num_results} {filter_param} ) as hybrid_search_results;" ); for i in 0..retries { results = sqlx::query_as::<_, SearchJSON>(&query) .fetch_all(conn) .await?; let num_returned = results.len(); if num_returned != num_results as usize { println!( "job_name: {}, num_results: {}, retrying hybrid search query: {}/{}", job_name, num_returned, i + 1, retries ); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(delay_seconds as u64)).await; } else { return Ok(results); } } let js_results = serde_json::to_value(&results).unwrap(); println!("results: {:?}", js_results); Err(anyhow::anyhow!("timed out waiting for hybrid search query")) } }