#include "postgres.h" #include #include "access/relscan.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator_d.h" #include "catalog/pg_type_d.h" #include "lib/pairingheap.h" #include "ivfflat.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "pgstat.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" /* * Compare list distances */ static int CompareLists(const pairingheap_node *a, const pairingheap_node *b, void *arg) { if (((const IvfflatScanList *) a)->distance > ((const IvfflatScanList *) b)->distance) return 1; if (((const IvfflatScanList *) a)->distance < ((const IvfflatScanList *) b)->distance) return -1; return 0; } /* * Get lists and sort by distance */ static void GetScanLists(IndexScanDesc scan, Datum value) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; BlockNumber nextblkno = IVFFLAT_HEAD_BLKNO; int listCount = 0; double maxDistance = DBL_MAX; /* Search all list pages */ while (BlockNumberIsValid(nextblkno)) { Buffer cbuf; Page cpage; OffsetNumber maxoffno; cbuf = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, nextblkno); LockBuffer(cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); cpage = BufferGetPage(cbuf); maxoffno = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(cpage); for (OffsetNumber offno = FirstOffsetNumber; offno <= maxoffno; offno = OffsetNumberNext(offno)) { IvfflatList list = (IvfflatList) PageGetItem(cpage, PageGetItemId(cpage, offno)); double distance; /* Use procinfo from the index instead of scan key for performance */ distance = DatumGetFloat8(so->distfunc(so->procinfo, so->collation, PointerGetDatum(&list->center), value)); if (listCount < so->probes) { IvfflatScanList *scanlist; scanlist = &so->lists[listCount]; scanlist->startPage = list->startPage; scanlist->distance = distance; listCount++; /* Add to heap */ pairingheap_add(so->listQueue, &scanlist->ph_node); /* Calculate max distance */ if (listCount == so->probes) maxDistance = ((IvfflatScanList *) pairingheap_first(so->listQueue))->distance; } else if (distance < maxDistance) { IvfflatScanList *scanlist; /* Remove */ scanlist = (IvfflatScanList *) pairingheap_remove_first(so->listQueue); /* Reuse */ scanlist->startPage = list->startPage; scanlist->distance = distance; pairingheap_add(so->listQueue, &scanlist->ph_node); /* Update max distance */ maxDistance = ((IvfflatScanList *) pairingheap_first(so->listQueue))->distance; } } nextblkno = IvfflatPageGetOpaque(cpage)->nextblkno; UnlockReleaseBuffer(cbuf); } } /* * Get items */ static void GetScanItems(IndexScanDesc scan, Datum value) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(scan->indexRelation); double tuples = 0; TupleTableSlot *slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(so->tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual); /* * Reuse same set of shared buffers for scan * * See postgres/src/backend/storage/buffer/README for description */ BufferAccessStrategy bas = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_BULKREAD); /* Search closest probes lists */ while (!pairingheap_is_empty(so->listQueue)) { BlockNumber searchPage = ((IvfflatScanList *) pairingheap_remove_first(so->listQueue))->startPage; /* Search all entry pages for list */ while (BlockNumberIsValid(searchPage)) { Buffer buf; Page page; OffsetNumber maxoffno; buf = ReadBufferExtended(scan->indexRelation, MAIN_FORKNUM, searchPage, RBM_NORMAL, bas); LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); page = BufferGetPage(buf); maxoffno = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); for (OffsetNumber offno = FirstOffsetNumber; offno <= maxoffno; offno = OffsetNumberNext(offno)) { IndexTuple itup; Datum datum; bool isnull; ItemId itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offno); itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid); datum = index_getattr(itup, 1, tupdesc, &isnull); /* * Add virtual tuple * * Use procinfo from the index instead of scan key for * performance */ ExecClearTuple(slot); slot->tts_values[0] = so->distfunc(so->procinfo, so->collation, datum, value); slot->tts_isnull[0] = false; slot->tts_values[1] = PointerGetDatum(&itup->t_tid); slot->tts_isnull[1] = false; ExecStoreVirtualTuple(slot); tuplesort_puttupleslot(so->sortstate, slot); tuples++; } searchPage = IvfflatPageGetOpaque(page)->nextblkno; UnlockReleaseBuffer(buf); } } FreeAccessStrategy(bas); if (tuples < 100) ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("index scan found few tuples"), errdetail("Index may have been created with little data."), errhint("Recreate the index and possibly decrease lists."))); tuplesort_performsort(so->sortstate); } /* * Zero distance */ static Datum ZeroDistance(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1, Datum arg2) { return Float8GetDatum(0.0); } /* * Get scan value */ static Datum GetScanValue(IndexScanDesc scan) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; Datum value; if (scan->orderByData->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL) { value = PointerGetDatum(NULL); so->distfunc = ZeroDistance; } else { value = scan->orderByData->sk_argument; so->distfunc = FunctionCall2Coll; /* Value should not be compressed or toasted */ Assert(!VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED(DatumGetPointer(value))); Assert(!VARATT_IS_EXTENDED(DatumGetPointer(value))); /* Normalize if needed */ if (so->normprocinfo != NULL) value = IvfflatNormValue(so->typeInfo, so->collation, value); } return value; } /* * Prepare for an index scan */ IndexScanDesc ivfflatbeginscan(Relation index, int nkeys, int norderbys) { IndexScanDesc scan; IvfflatScanOpaque so; int lists; int dimensions; AttrNumber attNums[] = {1}; Oid sortOperators[] = {Float8LessOperator}; Oid sortCollations[] = {InvalidOid}; bool nullsFirstFlags[] = {false}; int probes = ivfflat_probes; scan = RelationGetIndexScan(index, nkeys, norderbys); /* Get lists and dimensions from metapage */ IvfflatGetMetaPageInfo(index, &lists, &dimensions); if (probes > lists) probes = lists; so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) palloc(offsetof(IvfflatScanOpaqueData, lists) + probes * sizeof(IvfflatScanList)); so->typeInfo = IvfflatGetTypeInfo(index); so->first = true; so->probes = probes; so->dimensions = dimensions; /* Set support functions */ so->procinfo = index_getprocinfo(index, 1, IVFFLAT_DISTANCE_PROC); so->normprocinfo = IvfflatOptionalProcInfo(index, IVFFLAT_NORM_PROC); so->collation = index->rd_indcollation[0]; /* Create tuple description for sorting */ so->tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(2); TupleDescInitEntry(so->tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1, "distance", FLOAT8OID, -1, 0); TupleDescInitEntry(so->tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 2, "heaptid", TIDOID, -1, 0); /* Prep sort */ so->sortstate = tuplesort_begin_heap(so->tupdesc, 1, attNums, sortOperators, sortCollations, nullsFirstFlags, work_mem, NULL, false); so->slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(so->tupdesc, &TTSOpsMinimalTuple); so->listQueue = pairingheap_allocate(CompareLists, scan); scan->opaque = so; return scan; } /* * Start or restart an index scan */ void ivfflatrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey keys, int nkeys, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 130000 if (!so->first) tuplesort_reset(so->sortstate); #endif so->first = true; pairingheap_reset(so->listQueue); if (keys && scan->numberOfKeys > 0) memmove(scan->keyData, keys, scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); if (orderbys && scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0) memmove(scan->orderByData, orderbys, scan->numberOfOrderBys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); } /* * Fetch the next tuple in the given scan */ bool ivfflatgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; /* * Index can be used to scan backward, but Postgres doesn't support * backward scan on operators */ Assert(ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)); if (so->first) { Datum value; /* Count index scan for stats */ pgstat_count_index_scan(scan->indexRelation); /* Safety check */ if (scan->orderByData == NULL) elog(ERROR, "cannot scan ivfflat index without order"); /* Requires MVCC-compliant snapshot as not able to pin during sorting */ /* https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/index-locking.html */ if (!IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot)) elog(ERROR, "non-MVCC snapshots are not supported with ivfflat"); value = GetScanValue(scan); IvfflatBench("GetScanLists", GetScanLists(scan, value)); IvfflatBench("GetScanItems", GetScanItems(scan, value)); so->first = false; /* Clean up if we allocated a new value */ if (value != scan->orderByData->sk_argument) pfree(DatumGetPointer(value)); } if (tuplesort_gettupleslot(so->sortstate, true, false, so->slot, NULL)) { ItemPointer heaptid = (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(slot_getattr(so->slot, 2, &so->isnull)); scan->xs_heaptid = *heaptid; scan->xs_recheck = false; scan->xs_recheckorderby = false; return true; } return false; } /* * End a scan and release resources */ void ivfflatendscan(IndexScanDesc scan) { IvfflatScanOpaque so = (IvfflatScanOpaque) scan->opaque; pairingheap_free(so->listQueue); tuplesort_end(so->sortstate); pfree(so); scan->opaque = NULL; }