SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector; SELECT '[1,2,3]'::vector + '[4,5,6]'; ?column? ---------- [5,7,9] (1 row) SELECT '[1,2,3]'::vector - '[4,5,6]'; ?column? ------------ [-3,-3,-3] (1 row) SELECT vector_dims('[1,2,3]'); vector_dims ------------- 3 (1 row) SELECT round(vector_norm('[1,1]')::numeric, 5); round --------- 1.41421 (1 row) SELECT round(l2_distance('[1,2]', '[0,0]')::numeric, 5); round --------- 2.23607 (1 row) SELECT l2_distance('[1,2]', '[3]'); ERROR: different vector dimensions 2 and 1 SELECT inner_product('[1,2]', '[3,4]'); inner_product --------------- 11 (1 row) SELECT inner_product('[1,2]', '[3]'); ERROR: different vector dimensions 2 and 1 SELECT round(cosine_distance('[1,2]', '[2,4]')::numeric, 5); round --------- 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT cosine_distance('[1,2]', '[0,0]'); cosine_distance ----------------- NaN (1 row) SELECT cosine_distance('[1,2]', '[3]'); ERROR: different vector dimensions 2 and 1 SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3] = ARRAY[1,2,3]; ?column? ---------- t (1 row)