/* * Author: The maintainer's name * Created at: 2014-10-07 17:50:51 -0500 * */ -- -- This is a example code genereted automaticaly -- by pgxn-utils. SET client_min_messages = warning; -- If your extension will create a type you can -- do somenthing like this CREATE TYPE variant AS ( a text, b text ); -- Maybe you want to create some function, so you can use -- this as an example CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION variant (text, text) RETURNS variant LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT ROW($1, $2)::variant'; -- Sometimes it is common to use special operators to -- work with your new created type, you can create -- one like the command bellow if it is applicable -- to your case CREATE OPERATOR #? ( LEFTARG = text, RIGHTARG = text, PROCEDURE = variant );