/* * Author: Jim C. Nasby * Created at: 2015-01-11 17:47:56 -0600 * */ SET client_min_messages = warning; -- Set a safe search_path SET search_path = pg_catalog; DO $do$ BEGIN CREATE ROLE trunklet__dependency; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN -- TODO: Ensure options are what we expect NULL; END $do$; -- Register our variants. Do IS NOT NULL for consistent test output in the build test -- TODO: Setup a command trigger to undo this on DROP EXTENSION SELECT variant.register( 'trunklet_template', '{}', true ) IS NOT NULL; SELECT variant.register( 'trunklet_parameter', '{}' ) IS NOT NULL; SELECT variant.register( 'trunklet_return', '{}' ) IS NOT NULL; CREATE SCHEMA _trunklet; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA _trunklet TO trunklet__dependency; COMMENT ON SCHEMA _trunklet IS $$Internal use functions for the trunklet extension.$$; CREATE SCHEMA _trunklet_functions; -- TODO: Create a trunklet__usage role and use it here instead of public GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA _trunklet_functions TO public; -- Languages currently created as role that calls trunklet.template_language__add() COMMENT ON SCHEMA _trunklet_functions IS $$Schema that contains support functions for languages registered in trunklet. Not intended for general use.$$; CREATE SCHEMA trunklet; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA trunklet TO public; -- See also pgtemp.exec_as in test/core/functions.sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.exec( sql text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $f$ BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'Executing SQL %s', sql; EXECUTE sql; END $f$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.name_sanity( field_name text , value text ) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE error CONSTANT text := CASE WHEN value IS NULL THEN 'be NULL' WHEN value = '' THEN 'be blank' -- (?n) means use newline sensitive mode WHEN value ~ '(?n)^\s' THEN 'begin with whitespace' WHEN value ~ '(?n)\s$' THEN 'end with whitespace' END; BEGIN IF error IS NULL THEN RETURN true; END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION '% must not %', field_name, error USING ERRCODE = 'invalid_parameter_value' ; END $body$; CREATE TABLE _trunklet.language( language_id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL , language_name varchar(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL CHECK(_trunklet.name_sanity( 'language_name', language_name )) , parameter_type regtype NOT NULL , template_type regtype NOT NULL -- I don't think we'll need these fields, but better safe than sorry , process_function_options text NOT NULL , process_function_body text NOT NULL , extract_parameters_options text NOT NULL , extract_parameters_body text NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON COLUMN _trunklet.language.parameter_type IS $$Data type used to pass parameters to templates in this language.$$; COMMENT ON COLUMN _trunklet.language.parameter_type IS $$Data type used by templates in this language.$$; -- TODO: Add AFTER UPDATE trigger to re-validate the type of all stored templates for a language if template_type changes CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.language__get( language_id _trunklet.language.language_id%TYPE ) RETURNS _trunklet.language STABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ SELECT * FROM _trunklet.language l WHERE l.language_id = language__get.language_id $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.language__get( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE ) RETURNS _trunklet.language STABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE v_return _trunklet.language; BEGIN SELECT * INTO STRICT v_return FROM _trunklet.language l WHERE l.language_name = language__get.language_name ; RETURN v_return; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'language "%" not found', language_name USING ERRCODE = 'no_data_found' ; END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.language__get_id( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE ) RETURNS _trunklet.language.language_id%TYPE STABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ SELECT (_trunklet.language__get( $1 )).language_id $body$; CREAtE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.verify_type( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , allowed_type regtype , supplied_type regtype , which_type text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE BEGIN IF supplied_type <> allowed_type THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '%s for language "%" must by of type "%"', which_type, language_name, allowed_type USING ERRCODE = 'data_exception' ; END IF; END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.function_name( language_id _trunklet.language.language_id%TYPE , function_type text ) RETURNS text IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ SELECT format( 'language_id_%s__%s' -- text version of language_id that is 0 padded. btrim shouldn't be necessary but is. , btrim( to_char( language_id -- Get a string of 0's long enough to hold a max-sized int , repeat( '0', length( (2^31-1)::int::text ) ) ) ) , function_type ); $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.create_language_function( language_id _trunklet.language.language_id%TYPE , language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , return_type text , function_arguments text , function_options text , function_body text , function_type text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE func_name CONSTANT text := _trunklet.function_name( language_id, function_type ); func_full_name CONSTANT text := format( -- Name template $name$_trunklet_functions.%1$s(%s) $name$ , func_name , function_arguments ); BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'func_full_name = %', func_full_name; PERFORM _trunklet.exec( /* * This is the SQL string we'll use to actually create the function. */ format( -- Actual function creation template $temp$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %1$s RETURNS %2$s %3$s AS %4$L; COMMENT ON FUNCTION %1$s IS $$%5$s function for trunklet language "%6$s". Not intended for general use.$$; $temp$ -- Parameters for function template , func_full_name , return_type , function_options , function_body , function_type , language_name ) ); /* * The language functions could be executed by any random user, so make * certain that they're not security definer. * * Note that regprocedure pukes on variant.variant as a type name. That means * we can't easily get our exact procedure, though in this case proname alone * should be unique. We ultimately just need to ensure there's no SECDEF * procedures at all... */ IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = func_name AND prosecdef ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'language functions may not be SECURITY DEFINER' USING DETAIL = format( 'language %s, %s function', language_name, function_type ) ; END IF; END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW trunklet.template_language AS SELECT language_name , parameter_type , template_type , process_function_options , process_function_body , extract_parameters_options , extract_parameters_body FROM _trunklet.language ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template_language__add( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , parameter_type _trunklet.language.parameter_type%TYPE , template_type _trunklet.language.template_type%TYPE , process_function_options _trunklet.language.process_function_options%TYPE , process_function_body _trunklet.language.process_function_body%TYPE , extract_parameters_options _trunklet.language.extract_parameters_options%TYPE , extract_parameters_body _trunklet.language.extract_parameters_body%TYPE ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ <> DECLARE language_id _trunklet.language.language_id%TYPE; BEGIN -- Do explicit sanity check for better error messages PERFORM _trunklet.name_sanity( 'language_name', language_name ); INSERT INTO _trunklet.language( language_name , parameter_type , template_type , process_function_options , process_function_body , extract_parameters_options , extract_parameters_body ) SELECT language_name , parameter_type , template_type , process_function_options , process_function_body , extract_parameters_options , extract_parameters_body RETURNING language.language_id INTO STRICT fn.language_id ; RAISE DEBUG 'variant.variant(trunklet_template) allowed types: %' , array_to_string( array( SELECT * FROM variant.add_type( 'trunklet_template', template_type::text ) ), ', ' ) ; RAISE DEBUG 'variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) allowed types: %' , array_to_string( array( SELECT * FROM variant.add_type( 'trunklet_parameter', parameter_type::text ) ), ', ' ) ; RAISE DEBUG 'variant.variant(trunklet_return) allowed types: %' , array_to_string( array( SELECT * FROM variant.add_type( 'trunklet_return', parameter_type::text ) ), ', ' ) ; PERFORM _trunklet.create_language_function( language_id , language_name , 'text' , $args$ template variant.variant(trunklet_template) , parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) $args$ , process_function_options , process_function_body , 'process' ); PERFORM _trunklet.create_language_function( language_id , language_name , 'variant.variant(trunklet_parameter)' , $args$ parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) , extract_list text[] $args$ , extract_parameters_options , extract_parameters_body , 'extract_parameters' ); END $body$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION trunklet.template_language__add( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , parameter_type _trunklet.language.parameter_type%TYPE , template_type _trunklet.language.template_type%TYPE , process_function_options _trunklet.language.process_function_options%TYPE , process_function_body _trunklet.language.process_function_body%TYPE , extract_parameters_options _trunklet.language.extract_parameters_options%TYPE , extract_parameters_body _trunklet.language.extract_parameters_body%TYPE ) FROM public; /* * TEMPLATES */ CREATE TABLE _trunklet.template( template_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , language_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES _trunklet.language , template_name text NOT NULL CHECK(_trunklet.name_sanity( 'template_name', template_name )) , template_version int NOT NULL , template variant.variant(trunklet_template) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT template__u_template_name__template_version UNIQUE( template_name, template_version ) ); GRANT REFERENCES ON _trunklet.template TO trunklet__dependency; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.template__get( template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template_version _trunklet.template.template_version%TYPE DEFAULT 1 , loose boolean DEFAULT false ) RETURNS _trunklet.template LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE r _trunklet.template; BEGIN SELECT * INTO STRICT r FROM _trunklet.template t WHERE t.template_name = template__get.template_name AND t.template_version = template__get.template_version ; RETURN r; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN IF loose THEN RETURN NULL; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'template name "%" at version % not found' , template_name , template_version USING ERRCODE = 'no_data_found' ; END IF; END $body$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION _trunklet.template__get( template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template_version _trunklet.template.template_version%TYPE , loose boolean ) FROM public; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__add( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template_version _trunklet.template.template_version%TYPE , template _trunklet.template.template%TYPE ) RETURNS _trunklet.template.template_id%TYPE -- !!!!!!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path=pg_catalog -- !!!!!! LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ INSERT INTO _trunklet.template( language_id , template_name , template_version , template ) SELECT _trunklet.language__get_id( $1 ) , $2 , $3 , $4 RETURNING template_id ; $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__add( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template _trunklet.template.template%TYPE ) RETURNS _trunklet.template.template_id%TYPE LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ SELECT trunklet.template__add( $1, $2, 1, $3 ) $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__remove( template_id _trunklet.template.template_id%TYPE ) RETURNS void -- !!!!!!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path=pg_catalog -- !!!!!! LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ DELETE FROM _trunklet.template WHERE template_id = $1 $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__remove( template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template_version _trunklet.template.template_version%TYPE DEFAULT 1 ) RETURNS void -- !!!!!!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path=pg_catalog -- !!!!!! LANGUAGE sql AS $body$ SELECT trunklet.template__remove( (_trunklet.template__get( template_name, template_version )).template_id ) $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__dependency__add( table_name text , field_name name ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE -- Do this to sanitize input o_table CONSTANT regclass := table_name; BEGIN PERFORM _trunklet.exec( format( 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD FOREIGN KEY( %I ) REFERENCES _trunklet.template', table_name, field_name ) ); END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _trunklet.attnum__get( table_name regclass , field_name name ) RETURNS pg_attribute.attnum%TYPE LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE v_attnum pg_attribute.attnum%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT attnum INTO STRICT v_attnum FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = table_name AND attname = field_name ; RETURN v_attnum; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'column "%" does not exist', field_name USING ERRCODE = 'undefined_column' ; END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.template__dependency__remove( table_name text , field_name name ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE -- Do this to sanitize input o_table CONSTANT regclass := table_name; o_template CONSTANT regclass := '_trunklet.template'; v_constraint_name name; -- Set these here so we don't accidentally re-trap v_conkey smallint[] := array[ _trunklet.attnum__get( o_table, field_name ) ]; v_confkey smallint[] := array[ _trunklet.attnum__get( o_template, 'template_id' ) ]; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT conname INTO STRICT v_constraint_name FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype = 'f' AND conrelid = o_table AND confrelid = o_template AND conkey = array[ _trunklet.attnum__get( o_table, field_name ) ] AND confkey = array[ _trunklet.attnum__get( o_template, 'template_id' ) ] ; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'no template dependency on %.%', table_name, field_name USING ERRCODE = 'undefined_object' ; END; PERFORM _trunklet.exec( format( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I', table_name, v_constraint_name ) ); END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.process_language( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , template variant.variant(trunklet_template) , parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql -- !!!!!!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog -- !!!!!!! AS $body$ DECLARE /* * !!!!! SECURITY DEFINER !!!!! */ c_template_regtype CONSTANT regtype := variant.original_type(template); r_language _trunklet.language; r_template _trunklet.template; sql text; v_return text; BEGIN /* * Special case handling to support process( language_name, template_name, paramaters ) * * If "template" is text or varchar, then see if we have a stored template * with that name. If we do, use it; otherwise treat "template" as an actual * template. */ IF c_template_regtype IN ('text'::regtype, 'varchar') THEN r_template := _trunklet.template__get( template::text, loose := true ); END IF; IF r_template IS NULL THEN r_template.template := template; END IF; -- Can't do this during DECLARE (0A000: default value for row or record variable is not supported) r_language := _trunklet.language__get( language_name ); /* * !!!!! SECURITY DEFINER !!!!! */ PERFORM _trunklet.verify_type( language_name, r_language.template_type, c_template_regtype, 'template' ); PERFORM _trunklet.verify_type( language_name, r_language.parameter_type, variant.original_type(parameters), 'parameter' ); sql := format( 'SELECT _trunklet_functions.%s( $1, $2 )' , _trunklet.function_name( r_language.language_id, 'process' ) ); EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT v_return USING r_template.template, parameters; RAISE DEBUG '% returned %', sql, v_return; RETURN v_return; END $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.process( template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , template_version _trunklet.template.template_version%TYPE , parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE SQL -- !!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog -- !!! AS $body$ SELECT trunklet.process_language( (_trunklet.language__get(language_id)).language_name , template , parameters ) FROM _trunklet.template__get( template_name, template_version ) $body$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.process( template_name _trunklet.template.template_name%TYPE , parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE SQL AS $body$ SELECT trunklet.process( template_name, 1, parameters ) $body$; /* * trunklet.extract_parameters() */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunklet.extract_parameters( language_name _trunklet.language.language_name%TYPE , parameters variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) , extract_list text[] ) RETURNS variant.variant(trunklet_parameter) LANGUAGE plpgsql -- !!!!!!! SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog -- !!!!!!! AS $body$ DECLARE r_language _trunklet.language; sql text; v_return variant.variant(trunklet_parameter); BEGIN -- Can't do this during DECLARE (0A000: default value for row or record variable is not supported) r_language := _trunklet.language__get( language_name ); PERFORM _trunklet.verify_type( language_name, r_language.parameter_type, variant.original_type(parameters), 'parameter' ); sql := format( 'SELECT _trunklet_functions.%s( $1, $2 )' , _trunklet.function_name( r_language.language_id, 'extract_parameters' ) ); RAISE DEBUG 'EXECUTE % USING %, %' , sql , parameters, extract_list ; EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT v_return USING parameters, extract_list ; RETURN v_return; END $body$; -- vi: expandtab sw=2 ts=2