CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tg_sanity_tap( trigger_table regclass , trigger_name text , timing text , events text , trigger_arguments text ) RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE v_schema name; v_table name; c_extension CONSTANT name := 'tg_sanity'; c_events CONSTANT text[] := events; c_oid CONSTANT oid := cat_tools.trigger__get_oid__loose( trigger_table , trigger_name ); c_sanity_schema CONSTANT name := ( SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace n JOIN pg_extension e ON n.oid = e.extnamespace WHERE extname=c_extension ); r record; b boolean; BEGIN SELECT INTO STRICT v_schema, v_table relschema, relname FROM cat_tools.pg_class(trigger_table) ; RAISE DEBUG 'v_schema "%", v_table "%", trigger_name "%"', v_schema, v_table, trigger_name; RETURN NEXT ok( c_sanity_schema IS NOT NULL , c_extension || ' exists' ); IF c_sanity_schema IS NULL THEN RETURN NEXT skip( 1 , 'Extension does not exist' ); ELSE RETURN NEXT trigger_is( v_schema, v_table , trigger_name , c_sanity_schema , 'tg_sanity' ); END IF; /* * Need to verify this stuff manually. Note that we NEED the preceeding * test to ensure we find something here */ IF c_oid IS NULL THEN RETURN NEXT skip( 5 , 'Trigger does not exist' ); ELSE r := cat_tools.trigger__parse(c_oid); RETURN NEXT isnt( r.timing , 'INSTEAD OF' , 'tg_sanity must be BEFORE or AFTER' ); b := @> c_events AND c_events @>; RETURN NEXT ok( b, 'Trigger events match' || CASE WHEN b THEN '' ELSE diag( format( ' have: %s want: %s' , , c_events ) ) END ); RETURN NEXT is( r.row_statement , timing , 'Is a row trigger' ); RETURN NEXT is( r.when_clause , NULL , 'WHEN clause' ); /* * is() uses IS NOT DISTINCT but we don't care about that distinction, so * coalesce() */ RETURN NEXT is( coalesce(r.function_arguments, '') -- Don't cast this to JSON in case it's not valid , coalesce(trigger_arguments::text, '') , 'Trigger function arguments' ); END IF; END $body$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION tg_sanity_tap( trigger_table regclass , trigger_name text , timing text , events text , trigger_arguments text ) IS $$Function to verify the definition of a trigger that calls tg_sanity(). Parameters: trigger_table Table that trigger is defined on trigger_name Name of trigger timing Whether trigger *should* be BEFORE or AFTER events Events (INSERT, UPDATE, etc) that trigger *should* fire on trigger_arguments Arguments that trigger should be supplying to the function. NOTE: This is compared as plain text, so much match exactly what is stored in the catalog. Returns: Set of TAP ouput $$; -- vi: expandtab ts=2 sw=2