\set ECHO none \i test/helpers/setup.sql SET search_path = tap; -- IF YOU GET A "schema tf does not exist" error here then the dependency is missing! SELECT throws_ok( $$CREATE EXTENSION test_factory_pgtap$$ , '42704' , 'required extension "test_factory" is not installed' , 'Ensure test_factory is a dependency of test_factory_pgtap' ); \set extension_name test_factory \i test/helpers/create_extension.sql DROP TABLE pre_install_role; DROP TABLE post_install_role; \set extension_name test_factory_pgtap \i test/helpers/create_extension.sql -- NOTE: This runs some tests itself. It also changes search_path \i test/helpers/create.sql -- tf.tap already returns tap output SELECT tf.tap( 'invoice' ); SELECT tf.tap( 'invoice', 'base' ); SELECT throws_ok( $$SELECT tf.tap( '"non-existent table"' )$$ , '42P01' , 'relation "non-existent table" does not exist' , 'Ensure we get sane error for a non-existent table' ); ROLLBACK; -- vi: expandtab ts=2 sw=2