-- -- insert with DEFAULT in the target_list -- --Testcase 16: CREATE EXTENSION sqlite_fdw; --Testcase 17: CREATE SERVER sqlite_svr FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER sqlite_fdw OPTIONS (database '/tmp/sqlite_fdw_test/core.db'); --Testcase 18: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE inserttest01 (col1 int4, col2 int4 NOT NULL, col3 text default 'testing') SERVER sqlite_svr; --Testcase 1: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT); ERROR: Failed to execute remote SQL HINT: SQLite error 'NOT NULL constraint failed: inserttest01.col2', SQLite result code 19 CONTEXT: SQL query: INSERT INTO main."inserttest01"(`col1`, `col2`, `col3`) VALUES (?, ?, ?) --Testcase 2: insert into inserttest01 (col2, col3) values (3, DEFAULT); --Testcase 3: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, 5, DEFAULT); --Testcase 4: insert into inserttest01 values (DEFAULT, 5, 'test'); --Testcase 5: insert into inserttest01 values (DEFAULT, 7); --Testcase 6: select * from inserttest01; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+------+--------- | 3 | testing | 5 | testing | 5 | test | 7 | testing (4 rows) -- -- insert with similar expression / target_list values (all fail) -- --Testcase 7: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT); ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions LINE 1: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT,... ^ --Testcase 8: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 2); ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions LINE 1: insert into inserttest01 (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 2); ^ --Testcase 9: insert into inserttest01 (col1) values (1, 2); ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns LINE 1: insert into inserttest01 (col1) values (1, 2); ^ --Testcase 10: insert into inserttest01 (col1) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT); ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns LINE 1: insert into inserttest01 (col1) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT); ^ --Testcase 11: select * from inserttest01; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+------+--------- | 3 | testing | 5 | testing | 5 | test | 7 | testing (4 rows) -- -- VALUES test -- --Testcase 12: insert into inserttest01 values(10, 20, '40'), (-1, 2, DEFAULT), ((select 2), (select i from (values(3)) as foo (i)), 'values are fun!'); --Testcase 13: select * from inserttest01; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+------+----------------- | 3 | testing | 5 | testing | 5 | test | 7 | testing 10 | 20 | 40 -1 | 2 | testing 2 | 3 | values are fun! (7 rows) -- -- TOASTed value test -- --Testcase 14: insert into inserttest01 values(30, 50, repeat('x', 10000)); --Testcase 15: select col1, col2, char_length(col3) from inserttest01; col1 | col2 | char_length ------+------+------------- | 3 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 7 10 | 20 | 2 -1 | 2 | 7 2 | 3 | 15 30 | 50 | 10000 (8 rows) -- -- tuple larger than fillfactor -- foreign table does not support fillfactor -- -- CREATE TABLE large_tuple_test (a int, b text) WITH (fillfactor = 10); -- ALTER TABLE large_tuple_test ALTER COLUMN b SET STORAGE plain; -- -- create page w/ free space in range [nearlyEmptyFreeSpace, MaxHeapTupleSize) -- INSERT INTO large_tuple_test (select 1, NULL); -- -- should still fit on the page -- INSERT INTO large_tuple_test (select 2, repeat('a', 1000)); -- SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('large_tuple_test'::regclass, 'main')); -- -- add small record to the second page -- INSERT INTO large_tuple_test (select 3, NULL); -- -- now this tuple won't fit on the second page, but the insert should -- -- still succeed by extending the relation -- INSERT INTO large_tuple_test (select 4, repeat('a', 8126)); -- DROP TABLE large_tuple_test; -- skip, sqlite fdw does not support customized type /* -- check indirection (field/array assignment), cf bug #14265 -- -- these tests are aware that transformInsertStmt has 3 separate code paths -- create type insert_test_type as (if1 int, if2 text[]); create table inserttest (f1 int, f2 int[], f3 insert_test_type, f4 insert_test_type[]); insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (1,2); insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (3,4), (5,6); insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) select 7,8; insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (1,default); -- not supported insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,array['foo']); insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,'{foo}'), (2,'{bar}'); insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) select 3, '{baz,quux}'; insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,default); -- not supported insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'); insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux'); insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) select 'bear', 'beer'; insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'); insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux'); insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) select 'bear', 'beer'; select * from inserttest; -- also check reverse-listing create table inserttest2 (f1 bigint, f2 text); create rule irule1 as on insert to inserttest2 do also insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) values (new.f1,new.f2); create rule irule2 as on insert to inserttest2 do also insert into inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2]) values (1,'fool'),(new.f1,new.f2); create rule irule3 as on insert to inserttest2 do also insert into inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2]) select new.f1, new.f2; \d+ inserttest2 drop table inserttest2; drop table inserttest; drop type insert_test_type; -- direct partition inserts should check partition bound constraint create table range_parted ( a text, b int ) partition by range (a, (b+0)); -- no partitions, so fail insert into range_parted values ('a', 11); create table part1 partition of range_parted for values from ('a', 1) to ('a', 10); create table part2 partition of range_parted for values from ('a', 10) to ('a', 20); create table part3 partition of range_parted for values from ('b', 1) to ('b', 10); create table part4 partition of range_parted for values from ('b', 10) to ('b', 20); -- fail insert into part1 values ('a', 11); insert into part1 values ('b', 1); -- ok insert into part1 values ('a', 1); -- fail insert into part4 values ('b', 21); insert into part4 values ('a', 10); -- ok insert into part4 values ('b', 10); -- fail (partition key a has a NOT NULL constraint) insert into part1 values (null); -- fail (expression key (b+0) cannot be null either) insert into part1 values (1); create table list_parted ( a text, b int ) partition by list (lower(a)); create table part_aa_bb partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('aa', 'bb'); create table part_cc_dd partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('cc', 'dd'); create table part_null partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN (null); -- fail insert into part_aa_bb values ('cc', 1); insert into part_aa_bb values ('AAa', 1); insert into part_aa_bb values (null); -- ok insert into part_cc_dd values ('cC', 1); insert into part_null values (null, 0); -- check in case of multi-level partitioned table create table part_ee_ff partition of list_parted for values in ('ee', 'ff') partition by range (b); create table part_ee_ff1 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (1) to (10); create table part_ee_ff2 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (10) to (20); -- test default partition create table part_default partition of list_parted default; -- Negative test: a row, which would fit in other partition, does not fit -- default partition, even when inserted directly insert into part_default values ('aa', 2); insert into part_default values (null, 2); -- ok insert into part_default values ('Zz', 2); -- test if default partition works as expected for multi-level partitioned -- table as well as when default partition itself is further partitioned drop table part_default; create table part_xx_yy partition of list_parted for values in ('xx', 'yy') partition by list (a); create table part_xx_yy_p1 partition of part_xx_yy for values in ('xx'); create table part_xx_yy_defpart partition of part_xx_yy default; create table part_default partition of list_parted default partition by range(b); create table part_default_p1 partition of part_default for values from (20) to (30); create table part_default_p2 partition of part_default for values from (30) to (40); -- fail insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('EE', 11); insert into part_default_p2 values ('gg', 43); -- fail (even the parent's, ie, part_ee_ff's partition constraint applies) insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('cc', 1); insert into part_default values ('gg', 43); -- ok insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('ff', 1); insert into part_ee_ff2 values ('ff', 11); insert into part_default_p1 values ('cd', 25); insert into part_default_p2 values ('de', 35); insert into list_parted values ('ab', 21); insert into list_parted values ('xx', 1); insert into list_parted values ('yy', 2); select tableoid::regclass, * from list_parted; -- Check tuple routing for partitioned tables -- fail insert into range_parted values ('a', 0); -- ok insert into range_parted values ('a', 1); insert into range_parted values ('a', 10); -- fail insert into range_parted values ('a', 20); -- ok insert into range_parted values ('b', 1); insert into range_parted values ('b', 10); -- fail (partition key (b+0) is null) insert into range_parted values ('a'); -- Check default partition create table part_def partition of range_parted default; -- fail insert into part_def values ('b', 10); -- ok insert into part_def values ('c', 10); insert into range_parted values (null, null); insert into range_parted values ('a', null); insert into range_parted values (null, 19); insert into range_parted values ('b', 20); select tableoid::regclass, * from range_parted; -- ok insert into list_parted values (null, 1); insert into list_parted (a) values ('aA'); -- fail (partition of part_ee_ff not found in both cases) insert into list_parted values ('EE', 0); insert into part_ee_ff values ('EE', 0); -- ok insert into list_parted values ('EE', 1); insert into part_ee_ff values ('EE', 10); select tableoid::regclass, * from list_parted; -- some more tests to exercise tuple-routing with multi-level partitioning create table part_gg partition of list_parted for values in ('gg') partition by range (b); create table part_gg1 partition of part_gg for values from (minvalue) to (1); create table part_gg2 partition of part_gg for values from (1) to (10) partition by range (b); create table part_gg2_1 partition of part_gg2 for values from (1) to (5); create table part_gg2_2 partition of part_gg2 for values from (5) to (10); create table part_ee_ff3 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (20) to (30) partition by range (b); create table part_ee_ff3_1 partition of part_ee_ff3 for values from (20) to (25); create table part_ee_ff3_2 partition of part_ee_ff3 for values from (25) to (30); truncate list_parted; insert into list_parted values ('aa'), ('cc'); insert into list_parted select 'Ff', s.a from generate_series(1, 29) s(a); insert into list_parted select 'gg', s.a from generate_series(1, 9) s(a); insert into list_parted (b) values (1); select tableoid::regclass::text, a, min(b) as min_b, max(b) as max_b from list_parted group by 1, 2 order by 1; -- direct partition inserts should check hash partition bound constraint create table hash_parted ( a int ) partition by hash (a part_test_int4_ops); create table hpart0 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0); create table hpart1 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 1); create table hpart2 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 2); create table hpart3 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 3); insert into hash_parted values(generate_series(1,10)); -- direct insert of values divisible by 4 - ok; insert into hpart0 values(12),(16); -- fail; insert into hpart0 values(11); -- 11 % 4 -> 3 remainder i.e. valid data for hpart3 partition insert into hpart3 values(11); -- view data select tableoid::regclass as part, a, a%4 as "remainder = a % 4" from hash_parted order by part; -- test \d+ output on a table which has both partitioned and unpartitioned -- partitions \d+ list_parted -- cleanup drop table range_parted, list_parted; drop table hash_parted; -- test that a default partition added as the first partition accepts any value -- including null create table list_parted (a int) partition by list (a); create table part_default partition of list_parted default; \d+ part_default insert into part_default values (null); insert into part_default values (1); insert into part_default values (-1); select tableoid::regclass, a from list_parted; -- cleanup drop table list_parted; -- more tests for certain multi-level partitioning scenarios create table mlparted (a int, b int) partition by range (a, b); create table mlparted1 (b int not null, a int not null) partition by range ((b+0)); create table mlparted11 (like mlparted1); alter table mlparted11 drop a; alter table mlparted11 add a int; alter table mlparted11 drop a; alter table mlparted11 add a int not null; -- attnum for key attribute 'a' is different in mlparted, mlparted1, and mlparted11 select attrelid::regclass, attname, attnum from pg_attribute where attname = 'a' and (attrelid = 'mlparted'::regclass or attrelid = 'mlparted1'::regclass or attrelid = 'mlparted11'::regclass) order by attrelid::regclass::text; alter table mlparted1 attach partition mlparted11 for values from (2) to (5); alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted1 for values from (1, 2) to (1, 10); -- check that "(1, 2)" is correctly routed to mlparted11. insert into mlparted values (1, 2); select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted; -- check that proper message is shown after failure to route through mlparted1 insert into mlparted (a, b) values (1, 5); truncate mlparted; alter table mlparted add constraint check_b check (b = 3); -- have a BR trigger modify the row such that the check_b is violated create function mlparted11_trig_fn() returns trigger AS $$ begin NEW.b := 4; return NEW; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger mlparted11_trig before insert ON mlparted11 for each row execute procedure mlparted11_trig_fn(); -- check that the correct row is shown when constraint check_b fails after -- "(1, 2)" is routed to mlparted11 (actually "(1, 4)" would be shown due -- to the BR trigger mlparted11_trig_fn) insert into mlparted values (1, 2); drop trigger mlparted11_trig on mlparted11; drop function mlparted11_trig_fn(); -- check that inserting into an internal partition successfully results in -- checking its partition constraint before inserting into the leaf partition -- selected by tuple-routing insert into mlparted1 (a, b) values (2, 3); -- check routing error through a list partitioned table when the key is null create table lparted_nonullpart (a int, b char) partition by list (b); create table lparted_nonullpart_a partition of lparted_nonullpart for values in ('a'); insert into lparted_nonullpart values (1); drop table lparted_nonullpart; -- check that RETURNING works correctly with tuple-routing alter table mlparted drop constraint check_b; create table mlparted12 partition of mlparted1 for values from (5) to (10); create table mlparted2 (b int not null, a int not null); alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted2 for values from (1, 10) to (1, 20); create table mlparted3 partition of mlparted for values from (1, 20) to (1, 30); create table mlparted4 (like mlparted); alter table mlparted4 drop a; alter table mlparted4 add a int not null; alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted4 for values from (1, 30) to (1, 40); with ins (a, b, c) as (insert into mlparted (b, a) select s.a, 1 from generate_series(2, 39) s(a) returning tableoid::regclass, *) select a, b, min(c), max(c) from ins group by a, b order by 1; alter table mlparted add c text; create table mlparted5 (c text, a int not null, b int not null) partition by list (c); create table mlparted5a (a int not null, c text, b int not null); alter table mlparted5 attach partition mlparted5a for values in ('a'); alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted5 for values from (1, 40) to (1, 50); alter table mlparted add constraint check_b check (a = 1 and b < 45); insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'a'); create function mlparted5abrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$ begin new.c = 'b'; return new; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger mlparted5abrtrig before insert on mlparted5a for each row execute procedure mlparted5abrtrig_func(); insert into mlparted5 (a, b, c) values (1, 40, 'a'); drop table mlparted5; alter table mlparted drop constraint check_b; -- Check multi-level default partition create table mlparted_def partition of mlparted default partition by range(a); create table mlparted_def1 partition of mlparted_def for values from (40) to (50); create table mlparted_def2 partition of mlparted_def for values from (50) to (60); insert into mlparted values (40, 100); insert into mlparted_def1 values (42, 100); insert into mlparted_def2 values (54, 50); -- fail insert into mlparted values (70, 100); insert into mlparted_def1 values (52, 50); insert into mlparted_def2 values (34, 50); -- ok create table mlparted_defd partition of mlparted_def default; insert into mlparted values (70, 100); select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted_def; -- Check multi-level tuple routing with attributes dropped from the -- top-most parent. First remove the last attribute. alter table mlparted add d int, add e int; alter table mlparted drop e; create table mlparted5 partition of mlparted for values from (1, 40) to (1, 50) partition by range (c); create table mlparted5_ab partition of mlparted5 for values from ('a') to ('c') partition by list (c); -- This partitioned table should remain with no partitions. create table mlparted5_cd partition of mlparted5 for values from ('c') to ('e') partition by list (c); create table mlparted5_a partition of mlparted5_ab for values in ('a'); create table mlparted5_b (d int, b int, c text, a int); alter table mlparted5_ab attach partition mlparted5_b for values in ('b'); truncate mlparted; insert into mlparted values (1, 2, 'a', 1); insert into mlparted values (1, 40, 'a', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_a insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'b', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_b insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'c', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_cd, fails insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'f', 1); -- goes to mlparted5, fails select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted order by a, b, c, d; alter table mlparted drop d; truncate mlparted; -- Remove the before last attribute. alter table mlparted add e int, add d int; alter table mlparted drop e; insert into mlparted values (1, 2, 'a', 1); insert into mlparted values (1, 40, 'a', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_a insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'b', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_b insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'c', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_cd, fails insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'f', 1); -- goes to mlparted5, fails select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted order by a, b, c, d; alter table mlparted drop d; drop table mlparted5; -- check that message shown after failure to find a partition shows the -- appropriate key description (or none) in various situations create table key_desc (a int, b int) partition by list ((a+0)); create table key_desc_1 partition of key_desc for values in (1) partition by range (b); create user regress_insert_other_user; grant select (a) on key_desc_1 to regress_insert_other_user; grant insert on key_desc to regress_insert_other_user; set role regress_insert_other_user; -- no key description is shown insert into key_desc values (1, 1); reset role; grant select (b) on key_desc_1 to regress_insert_other_user; set role regress_insert_other_user; -- key description (b)=(1) is now shown insert into key_desc values (1, 1); -- key description is not shown if key contains expression insert into key_desc values (2, 1); reset role; revoke all on key_desc from regress_insert_other_user; revoke all on key_desc_1 from regress_insert_other_user; drop role regress_insert_other_user; drop table key_desc, key_desc_1; -- test minvalue/maxvalue restrictions create table mcrparted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range (a, abs(b), c); create table mcrparted0 partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, 0, 0) to (1, maxvalue, maxvalue); create table mcrparted2 partition of mcrparted for values from (10, 6, minvalue) to (10, maxvalue, minvalue); create table mcrparted4 partition of mcrparted for values from (21, minvalue, 0) to (30, 20, minvalue); -- check multi-column range partitioning expression enforces the same -- constraint as what tuple-routing would determine it to be create table mcrparted0 partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue, minvalue) to (1, maxvalue, maxvalue); create table mcrparted1 partition of mcrparted for values from (2, 1, minvalue) to (10, 5, 10); create table mcrparted2 partition of mcrparted for values from (10, 6, minvalue) to (10, maxvalue, maxvalue); create table mcrparted3 partition of mcrparted for values from (11, 1, 1) to (20, 10, 10); create table mcrparted4 partition of mcrparted for values from (21, minvalue, minvalue) to (30, 20, maxvalue); create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (30, 21, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue); -- null not allowed in range partition insert into mcrparted values (null, null, null); -- routed to mcrparted0 insert into mcrparted values (0, 1, 1); insert into mcrparted0 values (0, 1, 1); -- routed to mcparted1 insert into mcrparted values (9, 1000, 1); insert into mcrparted1 values (9, 1000, 1); insert into mcrparted values (10, 5, -1); insert into mcrparted1 values (10, 5, -1); insert into mcrparted values (2, 1, 0); insert into mcrparted1 values (2, 1, 0); -- routed to mcparted2 insert into mcrparted values (10, 6, 1000); insert into mcrparted2 values (10, 6, 1000); insert into mcrparted values (10, 1000, 1000); insert into mcrparted2 values (10, 1000, 1000); -- no partition exists, nor does mcrparted3 accept it insert into mcrparted values (11, 1, -1); insert into mcrparted3 values (11, 1, -1); -- routed to mcrparted5 insert into mcrparted values (30, 21, 20); insert into mcrparted5 values (30, 21, 20); insert into mcrparted4 values (30, 21, 20); -- error -- check rows select tableoid::regclass::text, * from mcrparted order by 1; -- cleanup drop table mcrparted; -- check that a BR constraint can't make partition contain violating rows create table brtrigpartcon (a int, b text) partition by list (a); create table brtrigpartcon1 partition of brtrigpartcon for values in (1); create or replace function brtrigpartcon1trigf() returns trigger as $$begin new.a := 2; return new; end$$ language plpgsql; create trigger brtrigpartcon1trig before insert on brtrigpartcon1 for each row execute procedure brtrigpartcon1trigf(); insert into brtrigpartcon values (1, 'hi there'); insert into brtrigpartcon1 values (1, 'hi there'); -- check that the message shows the appropriate column description in a -- situation where the partitioned table is not the primary ModifyTable node create table inserttest3 (f1 text default 'foo', f2 text default 'bar', f3 int); create role regress_coldesc_role; grant insert on inserttest3 to regress_coldesc_role; grant insert on brtrigpartcon to regress_coldesc_role; revoke select on brtrigpartcon from regress_coldesc_role; set role regress_coldesc_role; with result as (insert into brtrigpartcon values (1, 'hi there') returning 1) insert into inserttest3 (f3) select * from result; reset role; -- cleanup revoke all on inserttest3 from regress_coldesc_role; revoke all on brtrigpartcon from regress_coldesc_role; drop role regress_coldesc_role; drop table inserttest3; drop table brtrigpartcon; drop function brtrigpartcon1trigf(); -- check that "do nothing" BR triggers work with tuple-routing create table donothingbrtrig_test (a int, b text) partition by list (a); create table donothingbrtrig_test1 (b text, a int); create table donothingbrtrig_test2 (c text, b text, a int); alter table donothingbrtrig_test2 drop column c; create or replace function donothingbrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$begin raise notice 'b: %', new.b; return NULL; end$$ language plpgsql; create trigger donothingbrtrig1 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test1 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func(); create trigger donothingbrtrig2 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test2 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func(); alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test1 for values in (1); alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test2 for values in (2); insert into donothingbrtrig_test values (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar'); copy donothingbrtrig_test from stdout; 1 baz 2 qux \. select tableoid::regclass, * from donothingbrtrig_test; -- cleanup drop table donothingbrtrig_test; drop function donothingbrtrig_func(); -- check multi-column range partitioning with minvalue/maxvalue constraints create table mcrparted (a text, b int) partition by range(a, b); create table mcrparted1_lt_b partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue) to ('b', minvalue); create table mcrparted2_b partition of mcrparted for values from ('b', minvalue) to ('c', minvalue); create table mcrparted3_c_to_common partition of mcrparted for values from ('c', minvalue) to ('common', minvalue); create table mcrparted4_common_lt_0 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', minvalue) to ('common', 0); create table mcrparted5_common_0_to_10 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', 0) to ('common', 10); create table mcrparted6_common_ge_10 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', 10) to ('common', maxvalue); create table mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', maxvalue) to ('d', minvalue); create table mcrparted8_ge_d partition of mcrparted for values from ('d', minvalue) to (maxvalue, maxvalue); \d+ mcrparted \d+ mcrparted1_lt_b \d+ mcrparted2_b \d+ mcrparted3_c_to_common \d+ mcrparted4_common_lt_0 \d+ mcrparted5_common_0_to_10 \d+ mcrparted6_common_ge_10 \d+ mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d \d+ mcrparted8_ge_d insert into mcrparted values ('aaa', 0), ('b', 0), ('bz', 10), ('c', -10), ('comm', -10), ('common', -10), ('common', 0), ('common', 10), ('commons', 0), ('d', -10), ('e', 0); select tableoid::regclass, * from mcrparted order by a, b; drop table mcrparted; -- check that wholerow vars in the RETURNING list work with partitioned tables create table returningwrtest (a int) partition by list (a); create table returningwrtest1 partition of returningwrtest for values in (1); insert into returningwrtest values (1) returning returningwrtest; -- check also that the wholerow vars in RETURNING list are converted as needed alter table returningwrtest add b text; create table returningwrtest2 (b text, c int, a int); alter table returningwrtest2 drop c; alter table returningwrtest attach partition returningwrtest2 for values in (2); insert into returningwrtest values (2, 'foo') returning returningwrtest; drop table returningwrtest; */ -- drop all foreign tables DO $d$ declare l_rec record; begin for l_rec in (select foreign_table_schema, foreign_table_name from information_schema.foreign_tables) loop execute format('drop foreign table %I.%I cascade;', l_rec.foreign_table_schema, l_rec.foreign_table_name); end loop; end; $d$; --Testcase 19: DROP SERVER sqlite_svr; --Testcase 20: DROP EXTENSION sqlite_fdw CASCADE;