--SET log_min_messages TO DEBUG1; --SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG1; --Testcase 16: CREATE EXTENSION sqlite_fdw; --Testcase 17: CREATE SERVER sqlite_svr FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER sqlite_fdw OPTIONS (database '/tmp/sqlite_fdw_test/common.db'); --Testcase 18: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE multiprimary(a int, b int OPTIONS (key 'true'), c int OPTIONS(key 'true')) SERVER sqlite_svr; -- test for aggregate pushdown --Testcase 8: DROP SERVER IF EXISTS sqlite_svr CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to foreign table multiprimary --Testcase 9: DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS sqlite_fdw CASCADE; --Testcase 10: CREATE EXTENSION sqlite_fdw; --Testcase 11: CREATE SERVER sqlite_svr FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER sqlite_fdw OPTIONS (database '/tmp/sqlite_fdw_test/common.db'); --Testcase 12: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE multiprimary(a int, b int OPTIONS (key 'true'), c int OPTIONS(key 'true')) SERVER sqlite_svr; --Testcase 1: explain (costs off, verbose) select count(distinct a) from multiprimary; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan Output: (count(DISTINCT a)) SQLite query: SELECT count(DISTINCT `a`) FROM main."multiprimary" (3 rows) --Testcase 2: explain (costs off, verbose) select sum(b),max(b), min(b), avg(b) from multiprimary; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan Output: (sum(b)), (max(b)), (min(b)), (avg(b)) SQLite query: SELECT sum(`b`), max(`b`), min(`b`), avg(`b`) FROM main."multiprimary" (3 rows) --Testcase 3: explain (costs off, verbose) select sum(b+5)+2 from multiprimary group by b/2 order by b/2; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foreign Scan Output: ((sum((b + 5)) + 2)), ((b / 2)) SQLite query: SELECT (sum((`b` + 5)) + 2), (`b` / 2) FROM main."multiprimary" GROUP BY 2 ORDER BY (`b` / 2) ASC NULLS LAST (3 rows) --Testcase 4: explain (costs off, verbose) select sum(a) from multiprimary group by b having sum(a) > 0; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan Output: (sum(a)), b SQLite query: SELECT sum(`a`), `b` FROM main."multiprimary" GROUP BY 2 HAVING ((sum(`a`) > 0)) (3 rows) --Testcase 5: explain (costs off, verbose) select sum(a) from multiprimary group by b having avg(a^2) > 0 and sum(a) > 0; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GroupAggregate Output: sum(a), b Group Key: multiprimary.b Filter: ((avg(((multiprimary.a)::double precision ^ '2'::double precision)) > '0'::double precision) AND (sum(multiprimary.a) > 0)) -> Foreign Scan on public.multiprimary Output: a, b, c SQLite query: SELECT `a`, `b` FROM main."multiprimary" ORDER BY `b` ASC NULLS LAST (7 rows) -- stddev and variance are not pushed down --Testcase 6: explain (costs off, verbose) select stddev(a) from multiprimary; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate Output: stddev(a) -> Foreign Scan on public.multiprimary Output: a, b, c SQLite query: SELECT `a` FROM main."multiprimary" (5 rows) --Testcase 7: explain (costs off, verbose) select sum(a) from multiprimary group by b having variance(a) > 0; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GroupAggregate Output: sum(a), b Group Key: multiprimary.b Filter: (variance(multiprimary.a) > '0'::numeric) -> Foreign Scan on public.multiprimary Output: a, b, c SQLite query: SELECT `a`, `b` FROM main."multiprimary" ORDER BY `b` ASC NULLS LAST (7 rows) --Testcase 13: DROP FOREIGN TABLE multiprimary; --Testcase 16: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE limittest(id serial OPTIONS (key 'true'), x int, y text) SERVER sqlite_svr; --Testcase 17: INSERT INTO limittest(x, y) VALUES (1, 'x'), (2, 'x'), (3, 'x'), (4, 'x'); --Testcase 18: INSERT INTO limittest(x, y) VALUES (1, 'y'), (2, 'y'), (3, 'y'), (4, 'y'); --Testcase 19: INSERT INTO limittest(x, y) VALUES (1, 'z'), (2, 'z'), (3, 'z'), (4, 'z'); --Testcase 20: EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT avg(x) FROM limittest GROUP BY y ORDER BY 1 DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=64) Output: (avg(x)), y -> Foreign Scan (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=64) Output: (avg(x)), y SQLite query: SELECT avg(`x`), `y` FROM main."limittest" GROUP BY 2 ORDER BY avg(`x`) DESC NULLS FIRST (5 rows) --Testcase 21: SELECT avg(x) FROM limittest GROUP BY y ORDER BY 1 DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; avg ----- 2.5 2.5 2.5 (3 rows) --Testcase 22: EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT avg(x) FROM limittest WHERE x >= 0 GROUP BY y ORDER BY 1 DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=64) Output: (avg(x)), y -> Foreign Scan (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=64) Output: (avg(x)), y SQLite query: SELECT avg(`x`), `y` FROM main."limittest" WHERE ((`x` >= 0)) GROUP BY 2 ORDER BY avg(`x`) DESC NULLS FIRST (5 rows) --Testcase 23: SELECT avg(x) FROM limittest WHERE x >= 0 GROUP BY y ORDER BY 1 DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; avg ----- 2.5 2.5 2.5 (3 rows) --Testcase 24: EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT x FROM limittest WHERE x > 0 ORDER BY 1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit (cost=10.00..10.00 rows=2 width=4) Output: x -> Foreign Scan on public.limittest (cost=10.00..10.00 rows=10 width=4) Output: x SQLite query: SELECT `x` FROM main."limittest" WHERE ((`x` > 0)) ORDER BY `x` ASC NULLS LAST (5 rows) --Testcase 25: SELECT x FROM limittest WHERE x > 0 ORDER BY 1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; x --- 1 1 1 (3 rows) --Testcase 26: EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT x FROM limittest ORDER BY 1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan on public.limittest (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=1 width=4) Output: x SQLite query: SELECT `x` FROM main."limittest" ORDER BY `x` ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 2 (3 rows) --Testcase 27: SELECT x FROM limittest ORDER BY 1 FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY; x --- 1 1 (2 rows) --Testcase 28: DROP FOREIGN TABLE limittest; --Testcase 14: DROP SERVER sqlite_svr; --Testcase 15: DROP EXTENSION sqlite_fdw CASCADE;