/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL * * Portions Copyright (c) 2018, TOSHIBA CORPORATION * * IDENTIFICATION * sqlite_fdw.h * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef SQLITE_FDW_H #define SQLITE_FDW_H #include "sqlite3.h" #include "foreign/foreign.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #define SQLITE_PREFETCH_ROWS 100 #define SQLITE_BLKSIZ (1024 * 4) #define SQLITE_PORT 3306 #define MAXDATALEN 1024 * 64 #define WAIT_TIMEOUT 0 #define INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT 0 #define CR_NO_ERROR 0 /* * Options structure to store the Sqlite * server information */ typedef struct sqlite_opt { int svr_port; /* SQLite port number */ char *svr_address; /* SQLite server ip address */ char *svr_database; /* SQLite database name */ char *svr_table; /* SQLite table name */ char *svr_init_command; /* SQLite SQL statement to execute when * connecting to the SQLite server. */ unsigned long max_blob_size; /* Max blob size to read without * truncation */ bool use_remote_estimate; /* use remote estimate for rows */ } sqlite_opt; /* * FDW-specific information for ForeignScanState * fdw_state. */ typedef struct SQLiteFdwExecState { sqlite3 *conn; /* SQLite connection handle */ sqlite3_stmt *stmt; /* SQLite prepared stament handle */ char *query; /* Query string */ Relation rel; /* relcache entry for the foreign table */ List *retrieved_attrs; /* list of target attribute numbers */ bool cursor_exists; /* have we created the cursor? */ int numParams; /* number of parameters passed to query */ FmgrInfo *param_flinfo; /* output conversion functions for them */ List *param_exprs; /* executable expressions for param values */ const char **param_values; /* textual values of query parameters */ Oid *param_types; /* type of query parameters */ int p_nums; /* number of parameters to transmit */ FmgrInfo *p_flinfo; /* output conversion functions for them */ sqlite_opt *sqliteFdwOptions; /* SQLite FDW options */ List *attr_list; /* query attribute list */ List *column_list; /* Column list of SQLite Column structures */ int64 row_nums; /* number of rows */ Datum **rows; /* all rows of scan */ int64 rowidx; /* current index of rows */ bool **rows_isnull; /* is null */ bool for_update; /* true if this scan is update target */ /* working memory context */ MemoryContext temp_cxt; /* context for per-tuple temporary data */ AttrNumber *junk_idx; } SqliteFdwExecState; typedef struct SqliteFdwRelationInfo { /* * True means that the relation can be pushed down. Always true for simple * foreign scan. */ bool pushdown_safe; /* baserestrictinfo clauses, broken down into safe and unsafe subsets. */ List *remote_conds; List *local_conds; /* Estimated size and cost for a scan or join. */ double rows; int width; Cost startup_cost; Cost total_cost; /* Costs excluding costs for transferring data from the foreign server */ Cost rel_startup_cost; Cost rel_total_cost; /* Options extracted from catalogs. */ bool use_remote_estimate; Cost fdw_startup_cost; Cost fdw_tuple_cost; List *shippable_extensions; /* OIDs of whitelisted extensions */ /* Bitmap of attr numbers we need to fetch from the remote server. */ Bitmapset *attrs_used; /* Join information */ RelOptInfo *outerrel; RelOptInfo *innerrel; JoinType jointype; List *joinclauses; /* Cached catalog information. */ ForeignTable *table; ForeignServer *server; /* * Name of the relation while EXPLAINing ForeignScan. It is used for join * relations but is set for all relations. For join relation, the name * indicates which foreign tables are being joined and the join type used. */ StringInfo relation_name; /* Grouping information */ List *grouped_tlist; } SqliteFdwRelationInfo; extern bool sqlite_is_foreign_expr(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, Expr *expr); /* option.c headers */ extern sqlite_opt * sqlite_get_options(Oid foreigntableid); /* depare.c headers */ extern void sqliteDeparseSelectStmtForRel(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, List *tlist, List *remote_conds, List *pathkeys, bool is_subquery, List **retrieved_attrs, List **params_list); extern void sqlite_deparse_insert(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root, Index rtindex, Relation rel, List *targetAttrs); extern void sqlite_deparse_update(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root, Index rtindex, Relation rel, List *targetAttrs, List *attname); extern void sqlite_deparse_delete(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root, Index rtindex, Relation rel, List *name); extern void sqlite_append_where_clause(StringInfo buf, PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, List *exprs, bool is_first, List **params); extern void sqlite_deparse_analyze(StringInfo buf, char *dbname, char *relname); extern void sqlite_deparse_string_literal(StringInfo buf, const char *val); extern List *sqlite_build_tlist_to_deparse(RelOptInfo *foreignrel); int sqlite_set_transmission_modes(void); void sqlite_reset_transmission_modes(int nestlevel); /* connection.c headers */ sqlite3 *sqlite_get_connection(ForeignServer *server); sqlite3 *sqlite_connect(char *svr_address, char *svr_username, char *svr_password, char *svr_database, int svr_port, bool svr_sa, char *svr_init_command, char *ssl_key, char *ssl_cert, char *ssl_ca, char *ssl_capath, char *ssl_cipher); void sqlite_cleanup_connection(void); void sqlite_rel_connection(sqlite3 * conn); void sqlitefdw_report_error(int elevel, sqlite3_stmt * stmt, sqlite3 * conn, const char *sql, int rc); Datum sqlite_convert_to_pg(Oid pgtyp, int pgtypmod, sqlite3_stmt * stmt, int attnum); void sqlite_bind_sql_var(Oid type, int attnum, Datum value, sqlite3_stmt * stmt, bool *isnull); #endif /* SQLITE_FDW_H */