select * from foo; select * from bar; select * from frobozz; alter table foo add column c integer; alter table foo alter column c set not null; -- Comment line that should hide a whole bunch of quoting... ;; $$ -- '"''"; "\"\"\"$$ ;"\""" -- Here is an old-style pl/pgsql function using heavy quoting create function foo (text) returns integer as ' declare rc record; begin select * into rc from foo where name = ''Some Favored name''; return NULL; end;' language plpgsql; select * from foo; select * from bar; select * from frobozz; create or replace function foo (text) returns integer as $$ begin select * into rc from foo where name = 'Some Favored name'; return NULL; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from foo; select * from bar; select * from frobozz; -- This isn't actually a particularly well-framed stored function -- but it abuses $$dollar quoting$$ quite nicely... create or replace function foo (text) returns integer as $$ begin select * into rc from foo where name = $23$Some Favored name$23$; -- Use a secondary bit of quoting to make sure that nesting works... select $24$ -- another " " thing ' ' \\\'\$ $24$; return NULL; end; $$ language plpgsql; -- Here is a rule creation with an embedded semicolon -- "Dmitry Koterov" create table "public"."position"; CREATE RULE "position_get_last_id_on_insert2" AS ON INSERT TO "public"."position" DO (SELECT currval('position_position_id_seq'::regclass) AS id;); -- Added to verify handling of queries tried by -- "Dmitry Koterov" CREATE INDEX aaa ON public.bbb USING btree ((-ccc), ddd); -- Apparently a pair of backslashes fold down into one? -- "Dmitry Koterov" CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "i_dictionary_uni_abbr" ON "static"."dictionary" USING btree ((substring(dic_russian, E'^([^(]*[^( ]) *\\('::text))) WHERE (dic_category_id = 26); -- Some more torturing per Weslee Bilodeau -- I figure the $_$, $$, etc edge-cases would be another fun one to roll -- into a custom parser. CREATE FUNCTION test( ) RETURNS text AS $_$ SELECT ';', E'\';\'', '"";""', E'"\';' ; SELECT 'OK'::text ; $_$ LANGUAGE SQL ; SELECT $_$ hello; this ; - is '\" a '''' test $_$ ; SELECT $$ $ test ; $ ; $$ ; -- All really funky, but perfectly valid. -- Force a query to be at the end... create table foo;