-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- slony1_base.sql -- -- Declaration of the basic replication schema. -- -- Copyright (c) 2003-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group -- Author: Jan Wieck, Afilias USA INC. -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ********************************************************************** -- * Tables -- ********************************************************************** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_node -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_node ( no_id int4, no_active bool, no_comment text, CONSTRAINT "sl_node-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (no_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_node is 'Holds the list of nodes associated with this namespace.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_node.no_id is 'The unique ID number for the node'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_node.no_active is 'Is the node active in replication yet?'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_node.no_comment is 'A human-oriented description of the node'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_nodelock -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_nodelock ( nl_nodeid int4, nl_conncnt serial, nl_backendpid int4, CONSTRAINT "sl_nodelock-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (nl_nodeid, nl_conncnt) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_nodelock is 'Used to prevent multiple slon instances and to identify the backends to kill in terminateNodeConnections().'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_nodelock.nl_nodeid is 'Clients node_id'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_nodelock.nl_conncnt is 'Clients connection number'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_nodelock.nl_backendpid is 'PID of database backend owning this lock'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_set -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_set ( set_id int4, set_origin int4, set_locked bigint, set_comment text, CONSTRAINT "sl_set-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (set_id), CONSTRAINT "set_origin-no_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (set_origin) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_node (no_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_set is 'Holds definitions of replication sets.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_set.set_id is 'A unique ID number for the set.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_set.set_origin is 'The ID number of the source node for the replication set.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_set.set_locked is 'Transaction ID where the set was locked.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_set.set_comment is 'A human-oriented description of the set.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_setsync -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync ( ssy_setid int4, ssy_origin int4, ssy_seqno int8, ssy_snapshot "pg_catalog".txid_snapshot, ssy_action_list text, CONSTRAINT "sl_setsync-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (ssy_setid), CONSTRAINT "ssy_setid-set_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (ssy_setid) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_set (set_id), CONSTRAINT "ssy_origin-no_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (ssy_origin) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_node (no_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync is 'SYNC information'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync.ssy_setid is 'ID number of the replication set'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync.ssy_origin is 'ID number of the node'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync.ssy_seqno is 'Slony-I sequence number'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync.ssy_snapshot is 'TXID in provider system seen by the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_setsync.ssy_action_list is 'action list used during the subscription process. At the time a subscriber copies over data from the origin, it sees all tables in a state somewhere between two SYNC events. Therefore this list must contains all log_actionseqs that are visible at that time, whose operations have therefore already been included in the data copied at the time the initial data copy is done. Those actions may therefore be filtered out of the first SYNC done after subscribing.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_table -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_table ( tab_id int4, tab_reloid oid UNIQUE NOT NULL, tab_relname name NOT NULL, tab_nspname name NOT NULL, tab_set int4, tab_idxname name NOT NULL, tab_altered boolean NOT NULL, tab_comment text, CONSTRAINT "sl_table-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (tab_id), CONSTRAINT "tab_set-set_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (tab_set) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_set (set_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_table is 'Holds information about the tables being replicated.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_id is 'Unique key for Slony-I to use to identify the table'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_reloid is 'The OID of the table in pg_catalog.pg_class.oid'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_relname is 'The name of the table in pg_catalog.pg_class.relname used to recover from a dump/restore cycle'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_nspname is 'The name of the schema in pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname used to recover from a dump/restore cycle'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_set is 'ID of the replication set the table is in'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_idxname is 'The name of the primary index of the table'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_altered is 'Has the table been modified for replication?'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_table.tab_comment is 'Human-oriented description of the table'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_sequence -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence ( seq_id int4, seq_reloid oid UNIQUE NOT NULL, seq_relname name NOT NULL, seq_nspname name NOT NULL, seq_set int4, seq_comment text, CONSTRAINT "sl_sequence-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (seq_id), CONSTRAINT "seq_set-set_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (seq_set) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_set (set_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence is 'Similar to sl_table, each entry identifies a sequence being replicated.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_id is 'An internally-used ID for Slony-I to use in its sequencing of updates'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_reloid is 'The OID of the sequence object'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_relname is 'The name of the sequence in pg_catalog.pg_class.relname used to recover from a dump/restore cycle'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_nspname is 'The name of the schema in pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname used to recover from a dump/restore cycle'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_set is 'Indicates which replication set the object is in'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence.seq_comment is 'A human-oriented comment'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_path -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_path ( pa_server int4, pa_client int4, pa_conninfo text NOT NULL, pa_connretry int4, CONSTRAINT "sl_path-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (pa_server, pa_client), CONSTRAINT "pa_server-no_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (pa_server) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_node (no_id), CONSTRAINT "pa_client-no_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (pa_client) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_node (no_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_path is 'Holds connection information for the paths between nodes, and the synchronisation delay'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_path.pa_server is 'The Node ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the data source'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_path.pa_client is 'The Node ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the data target'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_path.pa_conninfo is 'The PostgreSQL connection string used to connect to the source node.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_path.pa_connretry is 'The synchronisation delay, in seconds'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_listen -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_listen ( li_origin int4, li_provider int4, li_receiver int4, CONSTRAINT "sl_listen-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (li_origin, li_provider, li_receiver), CONSTRAINT "li_origin-no_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (li_origin) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_node (no_id), CONSTRAINT "sl_listen-sl_path-ref" FOREIGN KEY (li_provider, li_receiver) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_path (pa_server, pa_client) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_listen is 'Indicates how nodes listen to events from other nodes in the Slony-I network.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_listen.li_origin is 'The ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the node this listener is operating on'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_listen.li_provider is 'The ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the source node for this listening event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_listen.li_receiver is 'The ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the target node for this listening event'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_subscribe -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe ( sub_set int4, sub_provider int4, sub_receiver int4, sub_forward bool, sub_active bool, CONSTRAINT "sl_subscribe-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (sub_receiver, sub_set), CONSTRAINT "sl_subscribe-sl_path-ref" FOREIGN KEY (sub_provider, sub_receiver) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_path (pa_server, pa_client), CONSTRAINT "sub_set-set_id-ref" FOREIGN KEY (sub_set) REFERENCES @NAMESPACE@.sl_set (set_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe is 'Holds a list of subscriptions on sets'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe.sub_set is 'ID # (from sl_set) of the set being subscribed to'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe.sub_provider is 'ID# (from sl_node) of the node providing data'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe.sub_receiver is 'ID# (from sl_node) of the node receiving data from the provider'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe.sub_forward is 'Does this provider keep data in sl_log_1/sl_log_2 to allow it to be a provider for other nodes?'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_subscribe.sub_active is 'Has this subscription been activated? This is not set on the subscriber until AFTER the subscriber has received COPY data from the provider'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_event -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_event ( ev_origin int4, ev_seqno int8, ev_timestamp timestamptz, ev_snapshot "pg_catalog".txid_snapshot, ev_type text, ev_data1 text, ev_data2 text, ev_data3 text, ev_data4 text, ev_data5 text, ev_data6 text, ev_data7 text, ev_data8 text, CONSTRAINT "sl_event-pkey" PRIMARY KEY (ev_origin, ev_seqno) ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_event is 'Holds information about replication events. After a period of time, Slony removes old confirmed events from both this table and the sl_confirm table.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_origin is 'The ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the source node for this event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_seqno is 'The ID # for the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_timestamp is 'When this event record was created'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_snapshot is 'TXID snapshot on provider node for this event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_seqno is 'The ID # for the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_type is 'The type of event this record is for. SYNC = Synchronise STORE_NODE = ENABLE_NODE = DROP_NODE = STORE_PATH = DROP_PATH = STORE_LISTEN = DROP_LISTEN = STORE_SET = DROP_SET = MERGE_SET = SET_ADD_TABLE = SET_ADD_SEQUENCE = STORE_TRIGGER = DROP_TRIGGER = MOVE_SET = ACCEPT_SET = SET_DROP_TABLE = SET_DROP_SEQUENCE = SET_MOVE_TABLE = SET_MOVE_SEQUENCE = FAILOVER_SET = SUBSCRIBE_SET = ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION = UNSUBSCRIBE_SET = DDL_SCRIPT = ADJUST_SEQ = RESET_CONFIG = '; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data1 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data2 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data3 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data4 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data5 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data6 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data7 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event.ev_data8 is 'Data field containing an argument needed to process the event'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_confirm -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm ( con_origin int4, con_received int4, con_seqno int8, con_timestamp timestamptz DEFAULT timeofday()::timestamptz ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm is 'Holds confirmation of replication events. After a period of time, Slony removes old confirmed events from both this table and the sl_event table.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm.con_origin is 'The ID # (from sl_node.no_id) of the source node for this event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm.con_seqno is 'The ID # for the event'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm.con_timestamp is 'When this event was confirmed'; create index sl_confirm_idx1 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm (con_origin, con_received, con_seqno); create index sl_confirm_idx2 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_confirm (con_received, con_seqno); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_seqlog -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog ( seql_seqid int4, seql_origin int4, seql_ev_seqno int8, seql_last_value int8 ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog is 'Log of Sequence updates'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog.seql_seqid is 'Sequence ID'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog.seql_origin is 'Publisher node at which the sequence originates'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog.seql_ev_seqno is 'Slony-I Event with which this sequence update is associated'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog.seql_last_value is 'Last value published for this sequence'; create index sl_seqlog_idx on @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlog (seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_seqid); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION sequenceLastValue (seqname) -- -- Support function used in sl_seqlastvalue view -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create function @NAMESPACE@.sequenceLastValue(p_seqname text) returns int8 as $$ declare v_seq_row record; begin for v_seq_row in execute 'select last_value from ' || @NAMESPACE@.slon_quote_input(p_seqname) loop return v_seq_row.last_value; end loop; -- not reached end; $$ language plpgsql; comment on function @NAMESPACE@.sequenceLastValue(p_seqname text) is 'sequenceLastValue(p_seqname) Utility function used in sl_seqlastvalue view to compactly get the last value from the requested sequence.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_log_1 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1 ( log_origin int4, log_txid bigint, log_tableid int4, log_actionseq int8, log_cmdtype char, log_cmddata text ) WITHOUT OIDS; create index sl_log_1_idx1 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1 (log_origin, log_txid, log_actionseq); -- Add in an additional index as sometimes log_origin isn't a useful discriminant -- create index sl_log_1_idx2 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1 -- (log_txid); comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1 is 'Stores each change to be propagated to subscriber nodes'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1.log_origin is 'Origin node from which the change came'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1.log_txid is 'Transaction ID on the origin node'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1.log_tableid is 'The table ID (from sl_table.tab_id) that this log entry is to affect'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1.log_cmdtype is 'Replication action to take. U = Update, I = Insert, D = DELETE'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_1.log_cmddata is 'The data needed to perform the log action'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_log_2 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2 ( log_origin int4, log_txid bigint, log_tableid int4, log_actionseq int8, log_cmdtype char, log_cmddata text ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2 is 'Stores each change to be propagated to subscriber nodes'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2.log_origin is 'Origin node from which the change came'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2.log_txid is 'Transaction ID on the origin node'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2.log_tableid is 'The table ID (from sl_table.tab_id) that this log entry is to affect'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2.log_cmdtype is 'Replication action to take. U = Update, I = Insert, D = DELETE'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2.log_cmddata is 'The data needed to perform the log action'; create index sl_log_2_idx1 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2 (log_origin, log_txid, log_actionseq); -- Add in an additional index as sometimes log_origin isn't a useful discriminant -- create index sl_log_2_idx2 on @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_2 -- (log_txid); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_registry -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry ( reg_key text primary key, reg_int4 int4, reg_text text, reg_timestamp timestamptz ) WITHOUT OIDS; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry is 'Stores miscellaneous runtime data'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry.reg_key is 'Unique key of the runtime option'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry.reg_int4 is 'Option value if type int4'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry.reg_text is 'Option value if type text'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_registry.reg_timestamp is 'Option value if type timestamp'; -- ********************************************************************** -- * Views -- ********************************************************************** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- VIEW sl_seqlastvalue -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create view @NAMESPACE@.sl_seqlastvalue as select SQ.seq_id, SQ.seq_set, SQ.seq_reloid, S.set_origin as seq_origin, @NAMESPACE@.sequenceLastValue( "pg_catalog".quote_ident(PGN.nspname) || '.' || "pg_catalog".quote_ident(PGC.relname)) as seq_last_value from @NAMESPACE@.sl_sequence SQ, @NAMESPACE@.sl_set S, "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN where S.set_id = SQ.seq_set and PGC.oid = SQ.seq_reloid and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace; -- ********************************************************************** -- * Sequences -- ********************************************************************** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SEQUENCE sl_local_node_id -- -- The local node ID is initialized to -1, meaning that this node -- is not initialized yet. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_local_node_id MINVALUE -1; SELECT setval('@NAMESPACE@.sl_local_node_id', -1); comment on sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_local_node_id is 'The local node ID is initialized to -1, meaning that this node is not initialized yet.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SEQUENCE sl_event_seq -- -- The sequence for numbering events originating from this node. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_event_seq; comment on sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_event_seq is 'The sequence for numbering events originating from this node.'; select setval('@NAMESPACE@.sl_event_seq', 5000000000); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SEQUENCE sl_action_seq -- -- The sequence to number statements in the transaction logs, so that -- the replication engines can figure out the "agreeable" order of -- statements. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_action_seq; comment on sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_action_seq is 'The sequence to number statements in the transaction logs, so that the replication engines can figure out the "agreeable" order of statements.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SEQUENCE sl_log_status -- -- Bit 0x01 determines the currently active log table -- Bit 0x02 tells if the engine needs to read both logs -- after switching until the old log is clean and truncated. -- -- Possible values: -- 0 sl_log_1 active, sl_log_2 clean -- 1 sl_log_2 active, sl_log_1 clean -- 2 sl_log_1 active, sl_log_2 unknown - cleanup -- 3 sl_log_2 active, sl_log_1 unknown - cleanup -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_status MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 3; SELECT setval('@NAMESPACE@.sl_log_status', 0); comment on sequence @NAMESPACE@.sl_log_status is ' Bit 0x01 determines the currently active log table Bit 0x02 tells if the engine needs to read both logs after switching until the old log is clean and truncated. Possible values: 0 sl_log_1 active, sl_log_2 clean 1 sl_log_2 active, sl_log_1 clean 2 sl_log_1 active, sl_log_2 unknown - cleanup 3 sl_log_2 active, sl_log_1 unknown - cleanup This is not yet in use. '; -- ********************************************************************** -- * Misc -- ********************************************************************** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_config_lock -- -- This table exists solely to prevent overlapping execution of -- configuration change procedures and the resulting possible -- deadlocks. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_config_lock ( dummy integer ); comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_config_lock is 'This table exists solely to prevent overlapping execution of configuration change procedures and the resulting possible deadlocks. '; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_config_lock.dummy is 'No data ever goes in this table so the contents never matter. Indeed, this column does not really need to exist.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_event_lock -- -- This table exists solely to prevent multiple connections from -- concurrently creating new events. We separate this from -- sl_event because we really don't need a lock that prevents -- *reads* on sl_event. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_event_lock ( dummy integer ); comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_event_lock is 'This table exists solely to prevent multiple connections from concurrently creating new events and perhaps getting them out of order.'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_event_lock.dummy is 'No data ever goes in this table so the contents never matter. Indeed, this column does not really need to exist.'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_archive_counter -- -- This table is used to generate the archive number for logshipping. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_archive_counter ( ac_num bigint, ac_timestamp timestamptz ) without oids; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_archive_counter is 'Table used to generate the log shipping archive number. '; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_archive_counter.ac_num is 'Counter of SYNC ID used in log shipping as the archive number'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_archive_counter.ac_timestamp is 'Time at which the archive log was generated on the subscriber'; insert into @NAMESPACE@.sl_archive_counter (ac_num, ac_timestamp) values (0, 'epoch'::timestamptz); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TABLE sl_components -- -- This table captures the state of each Slony component to help -- with monitoring -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table @NAMESPACE@.sl_components ( co_actor text not null primary key, co_pid integer not null, co_node integer not null, co_connection_pid integer not null, co_activity text, co_starttime timestamptz not null, co_event bigint, co_eventtype text ) without oids; comment on table @NAMESPACE@.sl_components is 'Table used to monitor what various slon/slonik components are doing'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_actor is 'which component am I?'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_pid is 'my process/thread PID on node where slon runs'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_node is 'which node am I servicing?'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_connection_pid is 'PID of database connection being used on database server'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_activity is 'activity that I am up to'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_starttime is 'when did my activity begin? (timestamp reported as per slon process on server running slon)'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_eventtype is 'what kind of event am I processing? (commonly n/a for event loop main threads)'; comment on column @NAMESPACE@.sl_components.co_event is 'which event have I started processing?'; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Last but not least grant USAGE to the replication schema objects. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- grant usage on schema @NAMESPACE@ to public;