var NUM_NODES=4; coordinator.includeFile('regression/common_tests.js'); function get_schema() { var sqlScript = coordinator.readFile('regression/testmergeset/init_schema.sql'); return sqlScript; } function load_data(coordinator) { var sqlScript = coordinator.readFile('regression/testmergeset/init_data.sql'); psql = coordinator.createPsqlCommand('db1',sqlScript);; coordinator.join(psql); } function init_cluster() { return 'init cluster(id=1, comment=\'Regress test node\');\n'; } function init_tables() { var script="set add table (id=1, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.regions', comment='regions table');" +"set add table (id=2, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.products', comment='product table');" +"set add table (id=3, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.sales_txns', comment='Global sales transactions');" return script; } function create_set() { return 'create set (id=1, origin=1,comment=\'All test1 tables\'); \n'; } function subscribe_set() { var script= "subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes);\n" +"sync(id=1);\n" +"wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=2, wait on=1);\n" +"subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 3, forward = no);\n" +"sync(id=1);\n" +"wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=3, wait on=1);\n" +"subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 2, receiver = 4, forward = no);\n" +"sync(id=1);\n" +"wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=4, wait on=1);\n"; return script; } function create_partition(year,month,cluster,coordinator) { nextmonth = month+1; nextmonthsyear=year; if(nextmonth >= 13) { nextmonth=1; nextmonthyear = year+1; } var sqlScript = "create table sales_txns_" + year + "_" + month + " ( check (trans_on >= '" + year + "-" + month + "-01' AND trans_on < '" + nextmonthsyear + "-" + nextmonth+ "-01' ), primary key (id) )" +" inherits(sales_txns);\n"; sqlScript += "create rule sales_" + year + "_"+ month + " as on insert to sales_txns where" + " trans_on >= '" + year + "-" + month + "-01' AND trans_on < '" + nextmonthsyear + "-" + nextmonth + "-01' " + " DO INSTEAD (" + "INSERT INTO sales_txns_" + year + "_" + month+ " select,new.trans_on,new.region_code" + " , new.product_id, new.quantity, new.amount;);\n"; //Write the SQL out to a file, we will need to pass it to EXECUTE script. var ddlFile ="mergeset","sql"); ddlFile.deleteOnExit(); var ddlWriter = new; ddlWriter.write(sqlScript); ddlWriter.close(); var slonikScript = "EXECUTE SCRIPT(set id=1, filename='" + ddlFile.getAbsolutePath() + "', EVENT NODE =1);\n"; slonikScript += "sync(id=1);\n"; slonikScript += "wait for event(origin=1,confirmed=all,wait on =1);\n"; slonikScript += "create set(id=999,origin=1, comment='temp set for new partition');\n"; slonikScript += "set add table(id=" + year; slonikScript += month + ",origin=1,set id =999" + ", fully qualified name='public.sales_txns_" + year + "_" + month + "');\n"; for(var idx=2; idx <=4; idx++) { slonikScript += "subscribe set(id=999, provider=1, receiver=" + idx + ", forward=yes);\n"; slonikScript+=" sync(id=1);\n"; slonikScript+= "wait for event(origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=1);\n"; } slonikScript+= 'sleep(seconds=4);\n'; slonikScript+="merge set(id=1, ADD ID=999, origin=1);\n"; var slonikPreamble=get_slonik_preamble(); run_slonik('subscribe partition',coordinator,slonikPreamble,slonikScript); } function do_test(coordinator) { var sqlScript=''; for(var year=2006; year <=2006; year++) { for(var month=1; month <= 3; month++) { var num_rows = random_number(5,7); for(var row=0; row < num_rows; row++) { var quantity = random_number(1,9); var day = random_number(1,25); var hour = random_number(8,19); //normal hours, in london var minute=random_number(1,59); sqlScript += " SELECT purchase_product(region_code,product_id,(" + quantity + "+random()*3)::integer,'" +year + "-" + month + "-" + day +" " + hour + ":" + minute + " GMT'::timestamp) FROM regions," +" products order by random() limit 3;"; } coordinator.log("Creating partitions for " + year + "-" + month) create_partition(year,month,properties.getProperty('clustername'),coordinator); coordinator.log("executing SQL for " + year + " month"); sql = coordinator.createPsqlCommand('db1',sqlScript);; coordinator.join(sql); } } coordinator.log("done"); wait_for_sync(coordinator); } function get_compare_queries() { var queries=["select id, trans_on, quantity, amount from sales_txns order by id" ,"select 'main', * from only sales_txns order by id" ,"select '2006_1', * from sales_txns_2006_1 order by id" ,"select '2006_2', * from sales_txns_2006_2 order by id" ,"select '2006_3', * from sales_txns_2006_3 order by id" ]; return queries; } run_test(coordinator,'testmergeset');