coordinator.includeFile('disorder/tests/BasicTest.js'); CleanupTest=function(coordinator,testResults) {,coordinator,testResults); this.testDescription='This test checks to see if the. ' +'cleanup thread is working as expected. '; } CleanupTest.prototype = new BasicTest(); CleanupTest.prototype.constructor = CleanupTest; CleanupTest.prototype.runTest = function() { this.testResults.newGroup("Cleanup Test"); //this.prepareDb(['db1','db2','db3','db4','db5']); this.setupReplication(); this.addCompletePaths(); this.addTables(); /** * Start the slons. */ var slonArray=[]; for(var idx=1; idx <= this.getNodeCount(); idx++) { var confParams=this.getSlonConfFileMap('db'+idx); confParams.put('cleanup_interval','20'); slonArray[idx-1] = this.coordinator.createSlonLauncher('db' + idx, confParams); slonArray[idx-1].run(); } /** * Subscribe the set. */ this.subscribeSet(1,1,1,[2,3]); var load = this.generateLoad();*1000); load.stop(); this.coordinator.join(load); /** * move the set to node 2. * drop node 1. * */ this.moveSet(1,1,2); this.subscribeSet(1,2,2,[3]); var slonikPreamble = this.getSlonikPreamble(); var slonikScript='drop node(id=1,event node=2);\n' + 'wait for event(origin=2,confirmed=all, wait on=2);\n'; var slonik=this.coordinator.createSlonik('drop node',slonikPreamble, slonikScript); this.verifyLogHasEvents(3,1,true);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('drop node 1 succeeded', slonik.getReturnCode(),0); /** * now restart slon 3 with a smaller cleanup interval. */ slonArray[3-1].stop(); this.coordinator.join(slonArray[3-1]); var confParams=this.getSlonConfFileMap('db'+idx); confParams.put('cleanup_interval','1'); slonArray[3-1] = this.coordinator.createSlonLauncher('db3', confParams); slonArray[3-1].run(); /** * wait 170 seconds twice for good measure. * two calls to cleanupEvent must take place */*(70*1000+100*1000)); this.verifyLogHasEvents(3,1,false); for(var idx=1; idx <= this.getNodeCount(); idx++) { slonArray[idx-1].stop(); this.coordinator.join(slonArray[idx-1]); } } /** * this function checks to see if node_id has events from (orign_id equals) * events_from_id. * * The function checks both sl_event and the union of sl_log_1 and sl_log_2. * */ CleanupTest.prototype.verifyLogHasEvents=function(node_id,events_from_id, expect_events) { var con = this.coordinator.createJdbcConnection('db' + node_id); var stat = con.createStatement(); var rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _" + this.getClusterName() + ".sl_event " + "WHERE ev_origin=" + events_from_id);; this.testResults.assertCheck('sl_event has events from ' + events_from_id, rs.getInt(1)!=0, expect_events); rs.close(); rs=stat.executeQuery("SELECT sum(count) FROM ( SELECT count(*) FROM _" + this.getClusterName() + ".sl_log_1 WHERE log_origin=" + events_from_id + " UNION SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _" + this.getClusterName() + ".sl_log_2" + " WHERE log_origin=" + events_from_id + " ) as comb");; this.testResults.assertCheck('sl_log has events from ' + events_from_id,rs.getInt(1)!=0, expect_events); rs.close(); stat.close(); con.close(); }