create table regions ( region_code integer primary key, iso_country char(2), region text, city text ); create unique index region_names on regions(iso_country, region, city); create table products ( product_id serial primary key, name text unique not null, price numeric(10,2) not null ); create table sales_txns ( id serial primary key not null, trans_on timestamptz not null default 'now()', region_code integer not null references regions(region_code), product_id integer not null references products(product_id), quantity integer not null, amount numeric(12,2) not null ); create or replace function sales_trig_ins () returns trigger as ' begin raise exception ''Missing sales_txns partition for date %'', new.trans_on; end; ' language plpgsql; create trigger sales_txn_ins before insert on sales_txns for each row execute procedure sales_trig_ins(); create rule sales_txn_update as on update to sales_txns where new.trans_on <> old.trans_on do instead ( insert into sales_txns (id,trans_on,region_code,product_id,quantity,amount) values (, new.trans_on, new.region_code, new.product_id, new.quantity, new.amount); delete from sales_txns where id =; ); -- We will be doing inserts into sales_txns inside the following stored proc create or replace function purchase_product (integer, integer, integer, timestamptz) returns numeric(12,2) as ' declare i_region alias for $1; i_product alias for $2; i_quantity alias for $3; i_txndate alias for $4; c_price numeric(10,2); c_amount numeric(12,2); begin select price into c_price from products where product_id = i_product; c_amount := c_price * i_quantity; insert into sales_txns (region_code, product_id, quantity, amount, trans_on) values (i_region, i_product, i_quantity, c_amount, i_txndate); return c_amount; end' language plpgsql;