# Test for page level predicate locking in rum # # Test to verify serialization failures # # Queries are written in such a way that an index scan(from one transaction) and an index insert(from another transaction) will try to access the same part(sub-tree) of the index. setup { CREATE EXTENSION rum; CREATE TABLE rum_tbl (id serial, tsv tsvector); CREATE TABLE text_table (id1 serial, t text[]); SELECT SETSEED(0.5); INSERT INTO text_table(t) SELECT array[chr(i) || chr(j)] FROM generate_series(65,90) i, generate_series(65,90) j ; INSERT INTO rum_tbl(tsv) SELECT to_tsvector('simple', t[1] ) FROM text_table; DO $$ BEGIN FOR j in 1..10 LOOP UPDATE rum_tbl SET tsv = tsv || q.t1 FROM (SELECT id1,to_tsvector('simple', t[1] ) as t1 FROM text_table) as q WHERE id = (random()*q.id1)::integer; END LOOP; END; $$; CREATE INDEX rum_tbl_idx ON rum_tbl USING rum (tsv rum_tsvector_ops); } teardown { DROP TABLE text_table; DROP TABLE rum_tbl; DROP EXTENSION rum; } session "s1" setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; set enable_seqscan=off; } step "rxy1" { SELECT id, tsv FROM rum_tbl WHERE tsv @@ 'hx'; } step "wx1" { INSERT INTO rum_tbl(tsv) values('qh'); } step "c1" { COMMIT; } session "s2" setup { BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; set enable_seqscan=off; } step "rxy2" { SELECT id, tsv FROM rum_tbl WHERE tsv @@ 'qh'; } step "wy2" { INSERT INTO rum_tbl(tsv) values('hx'); } step "c2" { COMMIT; }