CREATE SERVER getty FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS ( endpoint '', format 'application/sparql-results+xml', query_param 'query' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE getty_places ( uri text OPTIONS (variable '?place'), name text OPTIONS (variable '?name'), namec text OPTIONS (variable '?namecapital', expression 'UCASE(?name)'), lon numeric OPTIONS (variable '?lon'), lat numeric OPTIONS (variable '?lat') ) SERVER getty OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX ontogeo: PREFIX geo: PREFIX gvp: PREFIX skos: PREFIX schema: SELECT * WHERE { ?place skos:inScheme tgn: ; foaf:focus ?geouri ; foaf:focus [ontogeo:within(50.787185 3.389722 53.542265 7.169019)] ; gvp:parentString ?name . ?geouri a schema:Place ; geo:lat ?lat ; geo:long ?lon } '); SELECT DISTINCT name, lon, lat FROM getty_places ORDER BY lat LIMIT 10; SELECT uri, lon, lat FROM getty_places WHERE name = 'West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium, Europe, World' ORDER BY lon; SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (name) name, lon, lat FROM getty_places WHERE lat BETWEEN 52.50 AND 52.60 AND lon BETWEEN 4.81 AND 4.82) j ORDER BY lat; /* * == Non-Italians Who Worked in Italy == * Find non-Italians who worked in Italy and lived during a given time range * Having event that took place in tgn:1000080 Italy or any of its descendants * Birth date between 1250 and 1780 * Just for variety, we look for artists as descendants of facets ulan:500000003 "Corporate bodies" or ulan:500000002 "Persons, Artists", rather than having type "artist" as we did in previous queries. In the previous query we used values{..} but we here use filter(in(..)). * Not having nationality aat:300111198 Italian or any of its descendants */ CREATE FOREIGN TABLE getty_non_italians ( uri text OPTIONS (variable '?x'), name text OPTIONS (variable '?name'), bio text OPTIONS (variable '?bio'), birth int OPTIONS (variable '?birth') ) SERVER getty OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX ontogeo: PREFIX geo: PREFIX gvp: PREFIX skos: PREFIX schema: PREFIX foaf: SELECT ?x ?name ?bio ?birth { {SELECT DISTINCT ?x {?x foaf:focus/bio:event/(schema:location|(schema:location/gvp:broaderExtended)) tgn:1000080-place}} ?x gvp:prefLabelGVP/xl:literalForm ?name; foaf:focus/gvp:biographyPreferred [ schema:description ?bio; gvp:estStart ?birth]. FILTER ("1250"^^xsd:gYear <= ?birth && ?birth <= "1780"^^xsd:gYear) FILTER EXISTS {?x gvp:broaderExtended ?facet. FILTER(?facet in (ulan:500000003, ulan:500000002))} FILTER NOT EXISTS {?x foaf:focus/(schema:nationality|(schema:nationality/gvp:broaderExtended)) aat:300111198}} '); SELECT name, bio, birth FROM getty_non_italians WHERE bio ~~* '%artist%' ORDER BY birth LIMIT 10; DROP SERVER getty CASCADE;