CREATE SERVER dbpedia FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS (endpoint ''); /* * Living politicians in DBpedia that are affiliated to a party. The party name must have * a german translation. */ CREATE FOREIGN TABLE politicians ( uri text OPTIONS (variable '?person', nodetype 'iri'), name text OPTIONS (variable '?personname', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), birthdate date OPTIONS (variable '?birthdate', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:date'), party text OPTIONS (variable '?partyname', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), country text OPTIONS (variable '?country', nodetype 'literal', language 'en') ) SERVER dbpedia OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX dbp: PREFIX dbo: SELECT * WHERE { ?person a dbo:Politician; dbo:birthDate ?birthdate; dbp:name ?personname; dbo:party ?party . ?party dbp:country ?country; rdfs:label ?partyname . FILTER NOT EXISTS {?person dbo:deathDate ?died} FILTER(LANG(?partyname) = "de") } '); /* * Select the 5 youngest politicians from Germany and France who were bortn after Dec 31st 1995. */ SELECT name, birthdate, party FROM politicians WHERE country IN ('Germany','France') AND birthdate > '1995-12-31' AND party <> '' ORDER BY birthdate DESC, party ASC FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY;