CREATE SERVER dbpedia FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS (endpoint ''); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.cities ( uri text OPTIONS (variable '?city', nodetype 'iri'), geom text OPTIONS (variable '?wkt', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), city_name text OPTIONS (variable '?name', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), area numeric OPTIONS (variable '?area', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:double') ) SERVER dbpedia OPTIONS ( sparql ' PREFIX dbo: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX geo: SELECT * { { SELECT ?city ?name ?area ?wkt {?city a dbo:City ; foaf:name ?name . OPTIONAL {?city dbo:areaTotal ?area} OPTIONAL {?city geo:geometry ?wkt} } ORDER BY ASC(?name) } } '); /* * materilizes all records from the FOREIGN TABLE 'public.cities' in * the table 'public.cities_local' - retrieving 5000 records at a time. */ CALL rdf_fdw_clone_table( foreign_table => 'cities', target_table => 'cities_local', create_table => true, fetch_size => 5000, orderby_column => NULL, verbose => true); SELECT count(*) FROM cities_local;