DROP SERVER seadatanet CASCADE; CREATE SERVER seadatanet FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS ( endpoint 'https://edmo.seadatanet.org/sparql/sparql', format 'xml', enable_pushdown 'true' ); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE seadatanet ( identifier text OPTIONS (variable '?org', nodetype 'iri'), name varchar OPTIONS (variable '?name', nodetype 'literal'), modified timestamp OPTIONS (variable '?modifiedDate', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:dateTime') ) SERVER seadatanet OPTIONS (log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX xsd: SELECT ?org ?name ?modifiedDate WHERE { ?org a ; ?modifiedDate ; ?name . } '); SELECT name, modified FROM seadatanet WHERE modified > '2020-01-01' AND modified < '2021-04-30' ORDER BY modified FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY; SELECT name, modified FROM seadatanet WHERE modified BETWEEN '2021-04-01'::timestamp AND '2021-04-30'::timestamp ORDER BY modified FETCH FIRST 15 ROWS ONLY;