CREATE SERVER makg FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS (endpoint ''); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE makg_papers ( id text OPTIONS (variable '?paper', nodetype 'iri'), title text OPTIONS (variable '?paperTitle', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), pubdate date OPTIONS (variable '?paperPubDate', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:date'), keyword text OPTIONS (variable '?keyword', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string'), field text OPTIONS (variable '?fieldname', nodetype 'literal', literaltype 'xsd:string') ) SERVER makg OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX rdf: PREFIX magc: PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX fabio: PREFIX prism: PREFIX xsd: SELECT * WHERE { ?paper rdf:type magc:Paper . ?paper prism:keyword ?keyword . ?paper fabio:hasDiscipline ?field . ?paper dcterms:title ?paperTitle . ?paper prism:publicationDate ?paperPubDate . OPTIONAL {?field foaf:name ?fieldname} } '); SELECT * FROM makg_papers WHERE pubdate BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND' 2020-01-01' AND field = 'Medicine' AND keyword = 'patients'; /* Create a logcal copy */ CREATE TABLE makg_papers_local AS SELECT * FROM makg_papers; /* Group keywords in an array */ SELECT DISTINCT id, title, pubdate, field, string_agg(keyword,', ' ORDER BY keyword ASC) AS keywords FROM makg_papers_local WHERE field IN ('Mathematics','Computer science') GROUP BY id, title, pubdate, field;