CREATE SERVER dbpedia FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS (endpoint ''); /* * German public universities and their geographic coordinates */ CREATE FOREIGN TABLE german_public_universities ( id text OPTIONS (variable '?uri', nodetype 'iri'), name text OPTIONS (variable '?name',nodetype 'literal'), lon numeric OPTIONS (variable '?lon', nodetype 'literal'), lat numeric OPTIONS (variable '?lat', nodetype 'literal'), wkt text OPTIONS (variable '?wkt', nodetype 'literal', expression 'CONCAT("POINT(",?lon," ",?lat,")") AS ?wkt') ) SERVER dbpedia OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX geo: PREFIX dbp: PREFIX dbo: PREFIX dbr: SELECT ?uri ?name ?lon ?lat WHERE { ?uri dbo:type dbr:Public_university ; dbp:name ?name; geo:lat ?lat; geo:long ?lon; dbp:country dbr:Germany } '); /* * This will select the first 10 universities from north to south */ SELECT name, wkt::geometry FROM german_public_universities ORDER BY lat DESC FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY;