CREATE SERVER agrovoc FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER rdf_fdw OPTIONS ( endpoint '', format 'application/sparql-results+xml' ); /* * Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations * * Select all concepts that point to c_5993 (plants) as broader and show their English (en) prefLabels * Source: */ CREATE FOREIGN TABLE plants ( uri text OPTIONS (variable '?subject', nodetype 'iri'), label text OPTIONS (variable '?label', nodetype 'literal', language 'en'), lang text OPTIONS (variable '?lang', expression 'LANG(?label)') ) SERVER agrovoc OPTIONS ( log_sparql 'true', sparql ' PREFIX skos: PREFIX skosxl: PREFIX xsd: SELECT ?subject ?label WHERE { ?subject a skos:Concept . ?subject skos:broader+ . ?subject skosxl:prefLabel ?xLabel . ?xLabel skosxl:literalForm ?label . } '); /* * The WHERE condition will be pushed down in a FILTER expression, and the * literal will get the language configured in the CREATE TABLE statement */ SELECT * FROM plants WHERE label = 'chrysanthemums'; /* * The WHERE condition will be pushed down in a FILTER expression, and the * string will be wrapped in a IRI() call, since the column is declared with * the nodetype 'iri' */ SELECT * FROM plants WHERE uri = '';