# Range Type Functions ## Functions Functions available in all releases of this extension. ### to_range() A polymorphic range constructor. ```sql function to_range( low anyelement, high anyelement, bounds text, range anyrange) returns anyrange ``` Create a range of **low**,**high** with the bounds specified by **bounds**. #### Parameters: * **low**: The low-bound element value * **high**: The high-bound element value * **bounds**: The inclusivity/exclusivity bounds of the range, must be one of the following: '()', '(]', '[)', '[]' * **range**: the type of the range to be created. #### Example ```sql select to_range(4,5,'[]',null::int4range); to_range ---------- [4,6) (1 row) select to_range('2015-01-01'::date,'2016-01-1','[)',null::daterange); to_range ------------------------- [2015-01-01,2016-01-01) (1 row) ``` ```sql function to_range( elem anyelement, range anyrange) returns anyrange ``` Create a range of [**elem**]. #### Parameters: * **elem**: The sole element value that can be contained the result range * **range**: the type of the range to be created. ```sql select to_range('2015-01-01'::date,null::daterange); to_range ------------------------- [2015-01-01,2015-01-02) (1 row) ``` ### element_range_comp() Perform a strcmp-like comparison an element and a range. ```sql function element_range_comp( element anyelement, range anyrange) returns smallint ``` Return 0 if the element is within the range Return -1 if the element is below the lower bound of the range. Return 1 if the element is above the upper bound of the range. #### Example ```sql select element_range_comp(4,'[10,100]'::int4range); element_range_comp -------------------- -1 (1 row) select element_range_comp(10,'[10,100]'::int4range); element_range_comp -------------------- 0 (1 row) select element_range_comp(110,'[10,100]'::int4range); element_range_comp -------------------- 1 (1 row) ``` ### is_singleton() Determine if the range has only one possible element. ```sql function is_singleton( range anyrange) returns boolean ``` Returns true if the range is inclusive on both sides and the low element matches the high element. #### Example ```sql select is_singleton('[4,5)'::int4range); is_singleton -------------- t (1 row) select is_singleton('[4,5]'::int4range); is_singleton -------------- f (1 row) ``` ### get_lower_bound_condition Given a range, express the simple where clause that would match the lower bound condition using range using only scalar comparisions. ```sql create function get_lower_bound_condition(range anyrange, placeholder text default 'x') returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_lower_bound_condition('empty'::int4range); get_lower_bound_condition ------------------------------- false (1 row) select get_lower_bound_condition('(,)'::int4range); get_lower_bound_condition ------------------------------- true (1 row) select get_lower_bound_condition('(4,5]'::int4range); get_lower_bound_condition ------------------------------- x >= '5' (1 row) select get_lower_bound_condition('(4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_lower_bound_condition ------------------------------- y.z >= '5' (1 row) select get_lower_bound_condition('[4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_lower_bound_condition ------------------------------- y.z >= '4' (1 row) select get_lower_bound_condition('[4,5]'::int4range,format('%I.%I','my schema','my ColuMnaME')); get_lower_bound_condition ----------------------------------- "my schema"."my ColuMnaME" >= '4' (1 row) ``` ### get_upper_bound_condition Given a range, express the simple where clause that would match the uppper bound condition using range using only scalar comparisions. ```sql create function get_upper_bound_condition(range anyrange, placeholder text default 'x') returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_upper_bound_condition('empty'::int4range); get_upper_bound_condition ------------------------------- false (1 row) select get_upper_bound_condition('(,)'::int4range); get_upper_bound_condition ------------------------------- true (1 row) select get_upper_bound_condition('[4,5)'::int4range,'y.z'); get_upper_bound_condition ------------------------------- y.z < '5' (1 row) select get_upper_bound_condition('[4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_upper_bound_condition ------------------------------- y.z < '6' (1 row) ``` ### get_bounds_condition_expr Given a range, express the simple where clause that would match the uppper and lower bound conditions using range using only scalar comparisions. ```sql create function get_upper_bounds_conditions(range anyrange, placeholder text default 'x') returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_bounds_condition_expr('empty'::int4range); get_bounds_condition_expr --------------------------- false (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('(,)'::int4range); get_bounds_condition_expr --------------------------- true (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('(4,5]'::int4range); get_bounds_condition_expr ---------------------------------------- x >= '5'::integer and x < '6'::integer (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('(4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_bounds_condition_expr -------------------------------------------- y.z >= '5'::integer and y.z < '6'::integer (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('[4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_bounds_condition_expr -------------------------------------------- y.z >= '4'::integer and y.z < '6'::integer (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('[4,5)'::int4range,'y.z'); get_bounds_condition_expr -------------------------------------------- y.z >= '4'::integer and y.z < '5'::integer (1 row) select get_bounds_condition_expr('[4,5]'::int4range,'y.z'); get_bounds_condition_expr -------------------------------------------- y.z >= '4'::integer and y.z < '6'::integer (1 row) ``` ### get_bound_expr Express a value casted as the subtype of the given range. ```sql create function get_bound_expr(range anyrange, literal anyelement) returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_bound_expr(null::int4range,'4'); get_bound_expr ---------------- '4'::integer (1 row) select get_bound_expr(null::daterange,'1991-09-23'); get_bound_expr -------------------- '1991-09-23'::date (1 row) select get_bound_expr(null::textrange,'ABEL'); get_bound_expr -------------------------------- 'ABEL'::text COLLATE "default" (1 row) select get_bound_expr(null::textrange_c,'ABEL'); get_bound_expr -------------------------- 'ABEL'::text COLLATE "C" (1 row) ``` ### get_collation_expr Return the collation statement for a range type. Return null if the base type of the range does not use collation. ```sql create function get_collation_expr(range anyrange) returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_collation_expr(null::int4range); get_collation_expr -------------------- (1 row) select get_collation_expr(null::textrange); get_collation_expr -------------------- COLLATE "default" (1 row) select get_collation_expr(null::textrange_c); get_collation_expr -------------------- COLLATE "C" (1 row) ``` ### get_subtype_element_expr Express a valid subtype by name with proper collation ```sql create function get_subtype_element_expr(range anyrange, placeholder text default 'x') returns text ``` #### Examples ```sql select get_subtype_element_expr('(4,5]'::int4range); get_subtype_element_expr -------------------------- x (1 row) select get_subtype_element_expr('[ABEL,BAKER)'::textrange_c); get_subtype_element_expr -------------------------- x COLLATE "C" (1 row) ``` ## Functions backported to 9.4 ### range_merge() Attempt to back-port the [function introduced in 9.5](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-range.html#RANGE-FUNCTIONS-TABLE). ```sql select range_merge('[4,5]'::int4range,'[9,10]'::int4range); range_merge ------------- [4,11) (1 row) ``` ### Support Submit issues to the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/moat/range_type_functions/issues). ### Author Corey Huinker, while working at [Moat](http://moat.com) ### Copyright and License Copyright (c) 2015, Moat Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOAT INC. BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF Moat, Inc. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. MOAT INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND Moat, Inc. HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS.