Databases ========= .. module:: pyrseas.database The :mod:`database` module defines class :class:`Database`. Database -------- A :class:`Database` can be viewed as a tree of database objects. The tree may have one or two main branches. A tree with one main branch is used by :program:`dbtoyaml` to hold the representation of the database, as read from the Postgres catalogs. :program:`yamltodb` uses a second main branch to hold the representation as read from the YAML input specification. Each main branch consists of multiple subtrees for different kinds of objects. For example, the Schemas (Postgres namespaces) subtree has all the Postgres schema objects, the Procedures subtree has all the Postgres functions and aggregates. The objects in the subtrees are connected in implicit or explicit manners to related objects. For example, the objects in the ``schema public`` are implicitly accessible from the corresponding :class:`Schema` object because they all share ``public`` as the first part of their internal key (see :meth:`DbObject.key`). As another example, a table has explicit links to constraints and indexes defined on it. A :class:`Database` is initialized from a :class:`~pyrseas.database.CatDbConnection` object (a specialized class derived from :class:`pgdbconn.dbconn.DbConnection`). It consists of one or two :class:`Dicts` (the main branches in the above discussion). A :class:`Dicts` object holds various dictionary objects derived from :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbObjectDict`, e.g., :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.schema.SchemaDict`, :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.table.ClassDict`, and :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.column.ColumnDict`. The key for each dictionary is a Python tuple (or a single value in the case of :class:`SchemaDict` and other non-schema objects). For example, the :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.table.ClassDict` dictionary is indexed by (`schema name`, `table name`)--in this context `table name` may actually be a `sequence name`, a `view name` or a `materialized view name`. In addition, object instances in each dictionary are linked to related objects in other dictionaries, e.g., columns are linked to the tables where they belong. The :attr:`db` :class:`Dicts` object --always present-- instantiates the database schemas, including their tables and other objects, by querying the system catalogs. The :attr:`ndb` :class:`Dicts` object instantiates the schemas based on the :obj:`input_map` supplied to the :meth:`diff_map` method. The :meth:`to_map` method returns and the :meth:`diff_map` method takes as input, a Python dictionary (equivalent to a YAML or JSON object) as shown below. It uses 'schema `schema_name`' as the key for each schema. The value corresponding to each 'schema `schema_name`' is another dictionary using 'sequences', 'tables', etc., as keys and more dictionaries as values. For example:: {'schema public': {'sequence seq1': { ... }, 'sequence seq2': { ... }, 'table t1': { ... }, 'table t2': { ... }, 'table t3': { ... }, 'view v1': { ... } }, 'schema s1': { ... }, 'schema s2': { ... } } Refer to :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.table.Sequence`, :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.table.Table` and :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.table.View` for details on the lower level dictionaries. .. autoclass:: Database Methods :meth:`from_catalog` and :meth:`from_map` are for internal use. Methods :meth:`to_map` and :meth:`diff_map` are the external API. .. automethod:: Database.from_catalog .. automethod:: Database.from_map .. automethod:: Database.map_from_dir .. automethod:: Database.to_map .. automethod:: Database.diff_map