Database Connections ==================== .. module:: pyrseas.lib.dbconn The :mod:`dbconn` module defines :class:`DbConnection`. Database Connection ------------------- A :class:`DbConnection` is a helper class representing a connection to a `PostgreSQL `_ database via the `Psycopg `_ adapter. It provides an easier interface than direct access to Psycopg. For example:: >>> from pyrseas.lib.dbconn import DbConnection >>> db = DbConnection('dbname') >>> db.fetchone("SHOW server_version")[0] >>> db.commit() A :class:`DbConnection` is not necessarily connected. In the case of Pyrseas :doc:`dbtoyaml ` and :doc:`yamltodb `, it will typically connect to the database when the :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbObjectDict` :meth:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbObjectDict.fetch` method is first invoked. It is normally disconnected just before the :class:`~pyrseas.database.Database` :meth:`~pyrseas.database.Database.from_catalog` returns. .. autoclass:: DbConnection .. automethod:: DbConnection.connect .. automethod:: DbConnection.close .. automethod:: DbConnection.commit .. automethod:: DbConnection.rollback .. automethod:: DbConnection.execute .. automethod:: DbConnection.fetchone .. automethod:: DbConnection.fetchall