Collations ========== .. module:: pyrseas.dbobject.collation The :mod:`collation` module defines two classes, :class:`Collation` and :class:`CollationDict`, derived from :class:`DbSchemaObject` and :class:`DbObjectDict`, respectively. Collation --------- :class:`Collation` is derived from :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbSchemaObject` and represents a `PostgreSQL collation `_ (available on PostgreSQL 9.1 or later). .. autoclass:: Collation .. automethod:: Collation.create Collation Dictionary -------------------- :class:`CollationDict` is derived from :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbObjectDict`. It is a dictionary that represents the collection of collations in a database. .. autoclass:: CollationDict .. automethod:: CollationDict.from_map .. automethod:: CollationDict.diff_map