Pyrseas ======= Pyrseas provides a framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a relational database. Its purpose is to enhance and follow through on the concepts of the `Andromeda Project `_. The name comes from `Python `_, the programming language, and `Perseas `_ [#]_, the Greek mythological hero who rescued Andromeda from a sea monster [#]_. Pyrseas currently includes the dbtoyaml utility to create a `YAML `_ description of a PostgreSQL database's tables, and the yamltodb utility to generate SQL statements to modify a database to match an input YAML specification. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 overview install .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 dbtoyaml yamltodb API Reference ------------- Currently, the only external APIs are the classes :class:`~pyrseas.dbconn.DbConnection` and :class:`~pyrseas.database.Database` and the methods :meth:`~pyrseas.database.Database.to_map` and :meth:`~pyrseas.database.Database.diff_map` of the latter. Other classes and methods are documented mainly for developer use. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 dbobject dbconn database language schema type table column constraint indexes function trigger rule Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] The common English name for Perseas is Perseus and the Ancient Greek name is Perseos. However, in modern Greek Περσέας_ is the more common spelling for the mythical hero. The project would be Πυρσέας or ΠΥΡΣΕΑΣ in Greek. .. _Περσέας: .. [#] He is better known for having killed Medusa.