EXTENSION = psl EXTVERSION = 1.0.0 DATA = sql/psl--$(EXTVERSION).sql MODULE_big = psl OBJS = src/pgpsl.o src/regdom.o TESTS = $(wildcard test/sql/*.sql) REGRESS = $(patsubst test/sql/%.sql,%,$(TESTS)) REGRESS_OPTS = --inputdir=test # --load-language plpgsql DOCS = README.md PG_CONFIG = pg_config PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs) include $(PGXS) .PHONY: tidy tidy: clean rm -f *~ sql/*~ src/*~ test/*~ test/sql/*~ .PHONY: test test: pg_prove --ext .sql test/sql # Fetch and obfuscate a new copy of the PSL .PHONY: fetch fetch: php src/generateEffectiveTLDs.php c >src/tld-canon.h .PHONY: package package: git archive --format zip --prefix=psl-$(EXTVERSION)/ --output /tmp/psl-$(EXTVERSION).zip master