1) { if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == "perl") { $format = "perl"; } else if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == "c") { $format = "c"; } } /* * Does $search start with $startstring? */ function startsWith($search, $startstring) { return (substr($search, 0, strlen($startstring))==$startstring); } /* * Does $search end with $endstring? */ function endsWith($search, $endstring) { return (substr($search, -strlen($endstring))==$endstring); } function buildSubdomain(&$node, $tldParts) { $dom = trim(array_pop($tldParts)); $isNotDomain = FALSE; if (startsWith($dom, "!")) { $dom = substr($dom, 1); $isNotDomain = TRUE; } if (!array_key_exists($dom, $node)) { if ($isNotDomain) { $node[$dom] = array("!" => ""); } else { $node[$dom] = array(); } } if (!$isNotDomain && count($tldParts)>0) { buildSubdomain($node[$dom], $tldParts); } } function printNode($key, $valueTree, $isAssignment = false) { global $format; if ($isAssignment) { if ($format == "perl") { echo "$key = {"; } else { echo "$key = array("; } } else { if (strcmp($key, "!")==0) { if ($format == "perl") { echo "'!' => {}"; } else { echo "'!' => ''"; } return; } else { if ($format == "perl") { echo "'$key' => {"; } else { echo "'$key' => array("; } } } $keys = array_keys($valueTree); for ($i=0; $i0) { if (strcmp($keys['!'], "!")==0) { echo "!"; } else { echo "(".count($keys).":"; for ($i=0; $i0) { printNode_C($key, $valueTree[$key]); // } if ($i+1 != count($valueTree)) { echo ","; } } echo ')'; } } } // --- main --- error_reporting(E_ERROR); $tldTree = array(); $list = file_get_contents(URL); // $list = "bg\na.bg\n0.bg\n!c.bg\n"; $lines = split("\n", $list); $licence = TRUE; if ($format == "php") echo " array(), // test.agitos.de --> agitos.de 'uk' => array( 'co' => array(), // test.agitos.co.uk --> agitos.co.uk 'xy' => array('!'), // test.agitos.xy.uk --> xy.uk '*' => array() // test.agitos.ab.uk --> agitos.ab.uk ) ); */ if ($format == "c") { echo "static const char tldString[] = \""; printNode_C("root", $tldTree); echo "\";\n\n"; } else { if ($format == "perl") { print "package effectiveTLDs;\n\n"; } printNode("\$tldTree", $tldTree, TRUE); echo ";\n"; if ($format == "php") echo '?>' . "\n"; } ?>