# This image is a normal Postgres container, # configured for local dev (network access configs and password are insecure), # plus the CLI tool "Trunk" for installing extensions from https://pgt.dev # # Source: https://github.com/tembo-io/tembo-images # Documentation: https://tembo.io/docs/tembo-cloud/try-extensions-locally FROM quay.io/tembo/tembo-local:latest # We will use pg_partman to optimize storing and querying timeseries data RUN trunk install pg_partman --version 4.7.4 # We will use pg_cron to schedule syncing prometheus into the local DB RUN trunk install pg_cron --version 1.5.2 RUN trunk install prometheus_fdw --version 0.1.3 # Extra Postgres configurations COPY custom.conf $PGDATA/extra-configs