## 3.1.0 (2016-07-29) - Fix issue leading to impossibility to stop the worker without shutting down the database - Fix cluster wide statistics to get fresh values - Report PoWA collector activity in pg_stat_activity and process title - add a new powa.debug parameter - Purge at the same frequency as we coalesce. We just don't do both at the same iteration - Fix bloat issue - Add + and / operators on powa types to get delta and counters per second given two records ## 3.0.1 (2016-02-09) - Don't track 2PC related statements, as they're not normalized by pg_stat_statements. Upgrade script will do all the needed cleanup. - Restore the install_all.sql file to easily setup PoWA. - Maintain a cache of pg_database to allow seeing dropped database in the UI. See issue https://github.com/dalibo/powa/issues/63 - Don't try to load PoWA if it's not in shared_preload_libraries ## 3.0.0 (2015-11-06) Please not that there is not upgrade to switch to this version. You need to remove the old one and install the new 3.0.0 version. - Handle pg_qualtats 0.0.7 - Sample cluster wide statistics, for relations and functions - Fix the powa reset function, and rename it to powa_reset() - Add min/max records to improve performance when analyzing big time interval - Allow disabling some statistics sampling - Handle pg_track_settings extension - Add a GUC to ignore some users activity in sampled data ## 2.0.1 (2015-07-27) - Handle creation/suppression of supported extensions. - Remove the install_all script ## 2.0 (2015-02-06) Major rework of the extension. PoWA 2 is now only compatible with PostgreSQL version 9.4 and above. PoWA 2 is also now compatible with external extensions, such as [pg_qualstats](https://github.com/dalibo/pg_qualstats) or [pg_stat_kcache](https://github.com/dalibo/pg_stat_kcache). Third-part extensions can also now be implemented easily. The UI is also now in a [new repository](https://github.com/dalibo/powa-web), with more frequent release cycle. ## 1.2.1 (2015-01-16) No changes in core. New features and changes in UI : - UI is now compatible with mojolicious 5.0 and more - UI can now connect to multiple servers, and credentials can be specified for each server - Use ISO 8601 timestamp format - Add POWA_CONFIG_FILE variable to specify config file location - Better charts display on small screens When upgrading from 1.2: - No change on the extension - the format of the database section of the powa.conf has changed, to allow multiple servers specification. Please read INSTALL.md for more details about it. ## 1.2 (2014-10-27) News features and fixes in core : - Display more metrics : temporary data, I/O time, average runtime - Fix timestamp for snapshots - DEALLOCATE and BEGIN statements are now ignored - PoWA history tables are now marked as "to be dumped" by pg_dump - Improve performance for "per database aggregated stats" News features and changes in UI : - Follow the selected time interval between each page - Add a title to each page - Display metrics for each query page - Move database selector as a menu entry - Display human readable metrics - Fix empty graph bug When upgrading from older versions : - Upgrade the core with ALTER EXTENSION powa UPDATE. - The format of the database section of the powa.conf has changed. The new format is : "dbname" : "powa", "host" : "", "port" : "5432", (instead of one line containing the dbi:Pg connection info) ## 1.1 (2014-08-18) **POWA is now production ready** Features: - Various UI improvments - More documentation - New demo mode - Plugin support - The code is now under the PostgreSQL license - New website - New logo Bug fixes: - Use a temporary table for unpacked records to avoid unnecessary bloat ## 1.0 (2014-06-13) **Hello World ! This is the first public release of POWA** Features: - Web UI based on Mojolicious - Graph and dynamic charts - Packed the code as an extension - PL functions