PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer detailled installation guide ========================================================= Read []( for further details about PoWA. PoWA requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or more. The following documentation describes the detailed installation steps to install PoWA. Download PoWA from the website ------------------------------ ``` wget ``` Unpack the downloaded file -------------------------- ``` cd /usr/src unzip ``` Compile and install the software -------------------------------- Before proceeding, be sure to have a compiler installed and the appropriate PostgreSQL development packages. Something like ``` apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.0 ``` or ``` yum install postgresql93-devel ``` Then: ``` cd /usr/src/powa-REL_2_0 make ``` If everything goes fine, you will have this kind of output : ``` gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -g -fpic -I. -I. -I/home/thomas/postgresql/postgresql-9.3.4/include/server -I/home/thomas/postgresql/postgresql-9.3.4/include/internal -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/usr/include/libxml2 -c -o powa.o powa.c gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -g -fpic -L/home/thomas/postgresql/postgresql-9.3.4/lib -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-rpath,'/home/thomas/postgresql/postgresql-9.3.4/lib',--enable-new-dtags -shared -o powa.o ``` Install the software : - This step has to be made with the user that has installed PostgreSQL. If you have used a package, it will be certainly be root. If so: ``` sudo make install ``` Else, sudo into the user that owns your PostgreSQL executables, and ``` make install ``` It should output something like the following : ``` /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension' /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension' /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/pgsql-9.3/lib' /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/doc/extension' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./powa.control '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./powa--1.0.sql ./powa--1.1.sql ./powa--1.2.sql ./powa--1.1--1.2.sql '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/extension/' /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 '/usr/pgsql-9.3/postgresql-9.3.4/lib/' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./ '/usr/pgsql-9.3/share/doc/extension/' ``` Create a PoWA database and create required extensions ----------------------------------------------------- Note: if you are upgrading from a previous PoWA release, please consult the upgrading section at the end of this file. First, connect to PostgreSQL as administrator : ``` bash-4.1$ psql psql (9.3.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create database powa; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c powa You are now connected to database "powa" as user "postgres". powa=# create extension pg_stat_statements ; CREATE EXTENSION powa=# create extension btree_gist ; CREATE EXTENSION powa=# create extension powa; CREATE EXTENSION powa=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------------------------+-------+---------- public | powa_functions | table | postgres public | powa_last_aggregation | table | postgres public | powa_last_purge | table | postgres public | powa_statements | table | postgres public | powa_statements_history | table | postgres public | powa_statements_history_current | table | postgres (6 rows) ``` Modify the configuration files ------------------------------ In `postgresql.conf`: Change the `shared_preload_libraries` appropriately : ``` shared_preload_libraries = 'powa,pg_stat_statements'# (change requires restart) ``` If possible (check with pg_test_timing), activate track_io_timing on your instance, in postgresql.conf : ``` track_io_timing = on ``` Other GUC variables are available. Read []( for further details. In `pg_hba.conf`: Add an entry if needed for the PostgreSQL user(s) that need to connect on the GUI. For instance, assuming a `local connection` on database `powa`, allowing any user: `host powa all md5` Restart PostgreSQL ------------------ As root, run the following command : ``` service postgresql-9.3 restart ``` PostgreSQL should output the following messages in the log files : ``` 2014-07-25 03:48:20 IST LOG: registering background worker "powa" 2014-07-25 03:48:20 IST LOG: loaded library "powa" 2014-07-25 03:48:20 IST LOG: loaded library "pg_stat_statements" ``` Upgrading from a previous version of PoWA ----------------------------------------- If you already have an older PoWA installation, you can simply upgrade PoWA with the following steps : First, connect to PostgreSQL as administrator and update the extension : ``` bash-4.1$ psql powa psql (9.3.5) Type "help" for help. powa=# ALTER EXTENSION powa UPDATE ; ALTER EXTENSION ``` Next, you will need to restart PostgreSQL in order to take account of the updated background worker. As root, run the following command : ``` service postgresql-9.4 restart ```