# editorconfig.org # This is the project's root directory root = true [*] # Use spaces for indentation indent_style = space # Each indent should contain 2 spaces indent_size = 2 # Use Unix line endings end_of_line = lf # The files are utf-8 encoded charset = utf-8 # No whitespace at the end of line trim_trailing_whitespace = true # A file must end with an empty line - this is good for version control systems insert_final_newline = true # A line should not have more than this amount of chars (not supported by all plugins) max_line_length = 80 [*.csv] indent_style = tab [*.tsv] indent_style = tab [*.md] #trim_trailing_whitespace = false [{Makefile,**.mk,debian/rules}] # Use tabs for indentation (Makefiles require tabs) indent_style = tab # ignore test output [tests/expected/*] trim_trailing_whitespace = false insert_final_newline = false indent_size = unset indent_style = unset