-- This test cannot be run in a single transaction -- This test must be run on a database named 'contrib_regression' CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon CASCADE; -- INIT SET anon.maskschema TO 'foo'; SELECT anon.start_dynamic_masking(); start_dynamic_masking ----------------------- t (1 row) CREATE ROLE skynet LOGIN PASSWORD 'x'; SECURITY LABEL FOR anon ON ROLE skynet IS 'MASKED'; SELECT anon.mask_update(); mask_update ------------- t (1 row) -- search_path must be 'foo,public' \! PGPASSWORD=x psql contrib_regression -U skynet -c 'SHOW search_path;' search_path ------------- foo, public (1 row) CREATE ROLE hal LOGIN PASSWORD 'x'; SECURITY LABEL FOR anon ON ROLE hal IS 'MASKED'; SELECT anon.mask_update(); mask_update ------------- t (1 row) -- search_path must be 'foo,public' \! PGPASSWORD=x psql contrib_regression -U hal -c 'SHOW search_path;' search_path ------------- foo, public (1 row) -- STOP SELECT anon.stop_dynamic_masking(); NOTICE: The previous priviledges of 'skynet' are not restored. You need to grant them manually. NOTICE: The previous priviledges of 'hal' are not restored. You need to grant them manually. stop_dynamic_masking ---------------------- t (1 row) -- REMOVE MASKS SELECT anon.remove_masks_for_all_roles(); remove_masks_for_all_roles ---------------------------- t (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*)=0 FROM anon.pg_masked_roles WHERE hasmask; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- CLEAN DROP EXTENSION anon CASCADE; REASSIGN OWNED BY skynet TO postgres; DROP OWNED BY skynet CASCADE; DROP ROLE skynet; REASSIGN OWNED BY hal TO postgres; DROP OWNED BY hal CASCADE; DROP ROLE hal;