BEGIN; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon CASCADE; CREATE TABLE owner AS SELECT 'Paul' AS firstname; SECURITY LABEL FOR anon ON COLUMN owner.firstname IS 'MASKED WITH VALUE ''Robert'' '; CREATE TABLE company ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, vat_id TEXT UNIQUE ); INSERT INTO company VALUES (952,'Shadrach', 'FR62684255667'), (194,E'Johnny\'s Shoe Store','CHE670945644'), (346,'Capitol Records','GB663829617823') ; CREATE TABLE supplier ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, fk_company_id INT REFERENCES company(id), contact TEXT, phone TEXT, job_title TEXT ); INSERT INTO supplier VALUES (299,194,'Johnny Ryall','597-500-569','CEO'), (157,346,'George Clinton', '131-002-530','Sales manager') ; CREATE TABLE http_logs ( id integer NOT NULL, ip_address INET, url TEXT ); INSERT INTO http_logs VALUES (1, '', ''), (2, '', ''), (3, '', ''), (4, '', ''), (5, '', ''), (6, '', ''), (7, '', ''), (8, '', ''), (9, '', ''), (10, '', ''), (11, '', ''), (12, '', ''), (13, '', ''), (14, '', ''), (15, '', ''), (16, '', ''), (17, '', ''), (18, '', ''), (19, '', ''), (20, '', ''), (21, '', ''), (22, '', ''), (23, '', ''), (24, '', ''), (25, '', ''), (26, '', ''), (27, '', ''), (28, '', ''), (29, '', ''), (30, '', ''), (31, '', ''), (32, '', ''), (33, '', ''), (34, '', ''), (35, '', ''), (36, '', ''), (37, '', ''), (38, '', ''), (39, '', ''), (40, '', ''), (41, '', ''), (42, '', ''), (43, '', ''), (44, '', ''), (45, '', ''), (46, '', ''), (47, '', ''), (48, '', ''), (49, '', ''), (50, '', ''), (51, '', ''), (52, '', ''), (53, '', ''), (54, '', ''), (55, '', ''), (56, '', ''), (57, '', ''), (58, '', ''), (59, '', ''), (60, '', ''), (61, '', ''), (62, '', ''), (63, '', ''), (64, '', ''), (65, '', ''), (66, '', ''), (67, '', ''), (68, '', ''), (69, '', ''), (70, '', ''), (71, '', ''), (72, '', ''), (73, '', ''), (74, '', ''), (75, '', ''), (76, '', ''), (77, '', ''), (78, '', ''), (79, '', ''), (80, '', ''), (81, '', ''), (82, '', ''), (83, '', ''), (84, '', ''), (85, '', ''), (86, '', ''), (87, '', ''), (88, '', ''), (89, '', ''), (90, '', ''), (91, '', ''), (92, '', ''), (93, '', ''), (94, '', ''), (95, '', ''), (96, '', ''), (97, '', ''), (98, '', ''), (99, '', ''), (100, '', ''); CREATE SCHEMA test_pg_dump_anon; CREATE TABLE test_pg_dump_anon.no_masks AS SELECT 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE test_pg_dump_anon.three INCREMENT -1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 3 START 3 CYCLE; CREATE SEQUENCE public.seq42; ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq42 RESTART WITH 42; CREATE SCHEMA "FoO"; CREATE SEQUENCE "FoO"."BuG_298"; ALTER SEQUENCE "FoO"."BuG_298" RESTART WITH 298; COMMIT;