CHANGELOG =============================================================================== 20220517 : 1.0.0 - Production Ready ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * No changes :) 20220331 : 0.12.0 - Release Candidate 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [doc] Academic research bibliography * [doc] update the README * [pg_dump_anon] support --table and --schema in the golang wrapper * [CI] disable PG 9.6 tests * [core] FIX #290 improve the permissions system * [CI] FIX #273 check database owner's permissions * [core] FIX #165 Database owner cannot create table * [core] FIX #171 pg_dump_anon: lack of permissions to work with "anon" * [core] FIX #290 permission denied for schema anon after running some DDL * [core] New GUC parameters : maskschema and sourcechema * [docker] bump to PG14o * [CI] improve windows job 20220331 : 0.11.0 - Release Candidate 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [core] Remove obsolete functions * [dump] FIX #282 step 2 is broken * [dump] Regression on -U option * [core] declaring masking rules with COMMENT is now deprecated * [core] Add parallel safety for each function * [dump] FIX #272: pg_dump_anon throws a stdout error when used with sudo * [doc] Quick notes about perfomance * [dump] FIX #281 - Regression on pg_dump_anon -U * [docker] fix the entrypoint env vars * [dump] add --data-only option * [pseudo] Allow any type of seeds for the pseudonymizing functions * [doc] remove warnings * [how-to] improvements 20220314 : 0.10.0 - An improved engine and a brand new tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [noise] anon.noise my fail with an error 22003 * [core] support CASE in masking rules * [doc] How To * [core] Remove depency to tsm_system_rows * [doc] Multiple documentation improvements * [core] Add support for PostgreSQL 15 * [dump] Many pg_dump_anon improvements * [pg_dump_anon] FIX #213 dump the sequences values (@ybycode)) * [core] Simplify the main masking event trigger * [doc] Warning about backups consistency * [tests] noise tests can hit extreme values * [noise] Fix numeric_value_out_of_range and datetime_field_overflow errors (@sebastien-helbert) * [docker] add postgresql faker * [pseudo] FIX #254: masked roles can use pseudo functions * [doc] missing URL for source install (@Krysztophe) * [doc] escaping string + value expression * [doc] additional details about dynamic masking (thanks to @vitobotta) * [doc] MD5 signatures values have a uniform distribution * [doc] Update to the Adding Noise section (@Cristiano) * [docs] How-To * [Windows] Fix the register process * [pg_dump_anon] Introduce a Golang port of pg_dump_anon (beta) * [doc] Update : typo (@SALES) * [core] Review the plpgsql code (@fyhuel) * [doc] install from source with multiple versions * [pg_dump_anon] Support for --encoding * [dod] Fix typos (Justin Wei) * [core] use polymorphism when possible plpgsql (@fyhuel) * [core] some STABLE functions were incorrectly declared as IMMUTABLE (@fyhuel) * [core] anon.sql: fix UPSERTS (@fyhuel) * [doc] Added extra lorem ipsum example (Jakob Serlier) * [docker] FIX #241: Load the extension at the session level * [doc] Removed typo (Jakob Serlier) 20210702 : 0.9.0 - Support For PostgreSQL 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [core] Restrict masking filters to trusted schemas * [faking] Add a script to populate the fake data tables * [doc] Improve documentation wording * [core] Add support for PostgreSQL 14 * [core] Drop support for PostgreSQL 9.5 * [standalone] Drop support for the standalone version * [standalone] Drop support for Amazon RDS * [faking] FIX #223 : bad math in the random generator (Carlos Medeiros) * [faking] improve performances * [faking] Add deprecation warning that the `random_*` functions will be removed in a future version * [CI] Add Static application security testing (SAST) 20210210 : 0.8.1 - bugfix release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [standalone] FIX #219 : Update sequences after fake data is loaded 20210208 : 0.8.0 - Support for Foreign Tables and Partition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [doc] FIX #168: how to alter a masked column (Rodrigo Otsuka) * [doc] FIX #174: How to anonymize 2 columns simultaneously (Nicolas Peltier) * [rules] FIX #181: handle all chars in MASKED WITH VALUES (Matthieu Larcher) * [in-place] Refactor anonymize_database to improve perfs (Sébastien Helbert) * [core] Add support of partitioned tables (Dmitry Fomin) * [core] Add support of foreign tables (Paul Bonaud) * [core] Add schemaname in `pg_masking_rules` * [doc] Explain the permission model * [docker] simplify the build process for different PG major versions * [core] FIX #198: bug in the `shuffle` mecanism * [doc] Documentation Improvements (Rushal Verma) * [core] Improve the random generator, deprecated use of `tms_system_rows` 20200928 : 0.7.1 - bugfix release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [pgxn] fixup META.json 20200925 : 0.7.0 - Generic Hashing and Advanced Faking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - pg_crypto __Changes:__ * [install] Add a notice to users when they try to load the extension twice * [CI] Improve the masking test * [install] Support for PostgreSQL 13 * [noise] add on-the-fly noise functions (Gunnar Nick Bluth) * [dump] add a hint if a particular table dump fails (Gunnar Nick Bluth) * [install] FIX #128: add version function (Yann Robin) * [doc] Security: explain noise reduction attacks * [doc] How To mask a JSONB column (Fabien Barbier) * [doc] improve load doc * [CI] Test install on Ubuntu Bionic * [doc] DBaaS providers support for EVENT TRIGGERS and dynamic masking (Martin Kubrak) * [install] Remove dependency to the ddlx extension * [install] FIX #123: bug in the standalone install script (Florian Desbois) * [doc] lint markdown * [hashing] Introducing generic hashing function (Gunnar Nick Bluth) * [hashing] Storing the hashing salt in a secret table * [hashing] Add dependency to the pg_crypto extension * [init] Rename anon.load() to anon.init() for clarity * [random] new masking function: `anon.random_in(ARRAY['yes','no','maybe'])` * [in-place] defer all deferrable constraints * [doc] how to dump roles when using the black box method * [dump] FIX #146: export sequences data (Joe Auty) * [doc] `anon.shuffle()` is not a masking function * [dump] FIX #129: `--file` option not working (Yann Robin) * [dump] use arrays for argument lists * [dump] use shellcheck * [docker] automatic publication of the `latest` tag * [masking] FIX #141 `anon.stop_dynamic_masking()` does not remove the mask schema * [init] fix `anon.reset()` * [init] FIX #103: Create extension encoding issue (Dattatray Phadtare) * [init] improve error handling * [init] add the oid into the CSV tables * [init] Initcap on table `first_name` * [doc] Add a troubleshooting guide * [doc] Typo (Peter Neave) * [doc] Choose between stable and latest * [blackbox] FIX #156 stdout permissions (Ilya Gorbunov) * [init] better error handling * [init] rename anon.load() to anon.init() * [doc] how to use the PostgreSQL Faker extension * [dump] Ignore .psqlrc (Nikolay Samokhvalov) 20200305 : 0.6.0 - Pseudonymization and Improved anonymous dumps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx __Changes:__ * [doc] Typos, grammar (Nikolay Samokhvalov) * [doc] make help * [security] declare explicitly all function as `SECURITY INVOKER` * [doc] typos (Sebastien Delobel) * [docker] improve the "black box" method (Sam Buckingham) * [dump] Fix #112 : invalid command \." * [install] use session_preload_libs instead of shared_preload_libs (Olleg Samoylov) * [anonymize] FIX #114 : bug in anonymize_table() (Joe Auty) * [bug] Fix syntax error when schema in not in search_path (Olleg Samoylov) * [doc] Use ISO 8601 for dates (Olleg Samoylov) * [dump] anon.dump() is not deprecated * [dump] introducing `pg_dump_anon` command line tool * [pseudo] introducing pseudonymization functions * [doc] clean up, typos and reorg * [detection] introducing the identifiers detection function * [dump] Allow only partial database dump - Or ignoring specific tables 20191106 : 0.5.0 - Generalization and k-anonymity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx __Changes:__ * Introduce the Generalization method with 6 functions that transforms dates and numeric values into ranges of value. * Introduce a k-anonymity assessment function. * [faking] Add `anon.lorem_ipsum()` to generate classic lorem ipsum texts * [destruction] New syntax `MASKED WITH VALUE ...` * [doc] Install on Ubuntu 18.04 (many thanks to Jan Birk ) * [doc] Install with docker * FIX #93 : Better install documentation * FIX #95 : Building on FreeBSD/MacOS (many thanks to Travis Miller) 20191018 : 0.4.1 - bugfix release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx __Changes:__ * FIX #87 : anon.config loaded twice with pg_restore (Olleg Samoylov) * [doc] : install with yum 20191014 : 0.4 - Declare Masking Rules With Security Labels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx __Changes:__ * Use Security Labels instead of COMMENTs. COMMENTs are still supported * Automatic Type Casting * Improve documentation 20190826 : 0.3 - In-place Anonymization and Anonymous dumps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx __Changes:__ * In-place Anonymization : Permanently remove sensitive data with `anonymize_database()`, `anonymize_table()` or `anonymize_column()`. * Anonymous dumps : Export the entire anonymized database with the new `dump()` function. For instance: ```console psql -q -t -A -c 'SELECT anon.dump()' the_database ``` * Dynamic Masking : new functions `start_dynamic_masking()` and `stop_dynamic_masking()` * shuffle an entire column with the new function : ```sql SELECT anon.shuffle_column('employees','salary', 'id'); ``` * Add +/-33% of noise to a column with: ```sql SELECT anon.numeric_noise_on_column('employee','salary',0.33); ``` * Add +/-10 years of noise to a date with : ```sql SELECT anon.datetime_noise_on_column('employee','birthday','10 years'); ``` * Renamed faking functions for clarity * FIX #43 : Using unlogged tables was a bad idea * FIX #51 : tests & doc about explicit casting * Add `autoload` parameter to `mask_init` function. Default to TRUE for backward compatibility * Add `anon.no_extension.sql` for people in the cloud * [masking] Improve security tests 20181029 : 0.2 - Dynamic masking and partial functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Declare masking rules within the DDL * Declare a masked column with: ```sql COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'MASKED WITH FUNCTION anon.random_last_name()'; ``` * Declare a masked role with : ```sql COMMENT ON ROLE untrusted_user IS 'MASKED'; ``` ### New functions for partial scrambling * `partial()` will partially hide any TEXT value * `partial_email()` will partially hide an email address Checkout `demo/partial.sql` and `demo/masking.sql` for more details 20180918 : 0.1.1 - Load a custom dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [doc] How To Contribute * Add tsm_system_rows in `requires` clause * Allow loading à custom dataset * use UNLOGGED tables to speed extension loading 20180831 : 0.0.3 - PGXN Fixup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIX #12 : bad package version 20180827 : 0.0.2 - Minor bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIX #11 : install error 20180801 : 0.0.1 - Proof of Concept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * `random_date()` and `random_date_between()`` * `random_string()` * `random_zip()` * `random_company()`, `random_siret()`, `random_iban()` * `random_first_name()`, `random_last_name()` * Docker file for CI * tests * PGXN package