CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tsm_system_rows; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon; -- running the test on pg_temp does not improve perf --SET search_path TO pg_temp, public; CREATE TABLE customer( id SERIAL, full_name TEXT ); INSERT INTO customer(id, full_name) SELECT generate_series(1,1000), 'X Y'; \timing \echo 'test 0 : basic update' UPDATE customer SET full_name='A B'; \echo 'test 1 : random_first_name()' UPDATE customer SET full_name=anon.random_first_name() ; \echo 'test 2 : random_last_name()' UPDATE customer SET full_name=anon.random_last_name() ; \echo 'test 3 : random_first_name() + random_last_name() ' UPDATE customer SET full_name=anon.random_first_name() || ' ' || anon.random_last_name() ; \echo 'test 4 : random_first_name() + random_last_name() with UNLOGGED TABLE' CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE fake_customer AS SELECT id, full_name=anon.random_first_name() || ' ' || anon.random_last_name() FROM customer ;