CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tsm_system_rows; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon; --let's use `TEMPORARY` instead of `pg_temp` for clarity --SET search_path TO pg_temp, public; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE customer( id SERIAL, full_name TEXT, birth DATE, employer TEXT, zipcode TEXT, fk_shop INTEGER ); INSERT INTO customer VALUES (911,'Chuck Norris','1940/03/10','Texas Rangers', '75001',12), (312,'David Hasselhoff','1952/07/17','Baywatch', '90001',423) ; SELECT * FROM customer; UPDATE customer SET full_name=anon.random_first_name() || ' ' || anon.random_last_name(), birth=anon.random_date_between('01/01/1920'::DATE,now()), employer=anon.random_company(), zipcode=anon.random_zip() ; SELECT * FROM customer;