Data Anonymizer Extension for PostgreSQL =============================================================================== `postgresql_anonymizer` is a set of SQL functions that remove personally identifiable values from a PostgreSQL table and replace them with **random-but-plausible** values. The goal is to avoid any identification from the data record while remaining suitable for testing, data analysis and data processing. *This is projet is at an early stage of development and should used carefully.* Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ```sql =# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tsm_system_rows; =# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon; =# SELECT * FROM customer; id | full_name | birth | employer | zipcode | fk_shop -----+------------------+------------+---------------+---------+--------- 911 | Chuck Norris | 1940-03-10 | Texas Rangers | 75001 | 12 112 | David Hasselhoff | 1952-07-17 | Baywatch | 90001 | 423 =# UPDATE customer -# SET -# full_name=anon.random_first_name() || ' ' || anon.random_last_name(), -# birth=anon.random_date_between('01/01/1920'::DATE,now()), -# employer=anon.random_company(), -# zipcode=anon.random_zip() -# ; =# SELECT * FROM customer; id | full_name | birth | employer | zipcode | fk_shop -----+-------------------+------------+------------------+---------+--------- 911 | michel Duffus | 1970-03-24 | Body Expressions | 63824 | 12 112 | andromache Tulip | 1921-03-24 | Dot Darcy | 73231 | 423 ``` Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This extension will work with PostgreSQL 9.5 and later versions. It requires an extension named `tsm_system_rows`, which is delivered by the `postgresql-contrib` package of the main linux distributions. Install ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### With [PGXN]( : ```console apt install pgxnclient (or pip install pgxn) pgxn install postgresql_anonymizer ``` ### From source : ```console make make install ``` How To Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Load the extension in your database like this: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tsm_system_rows; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS anon; ``` You now have access to the following functions : ### Generic data * anon.random_date() returns a date * anon.random_date_between(d1,d2) returns a date between `d1` and `d2` * anon.random_int_between(i1,i2) returns an integer between `i1` and `i2` * anon.random_string(n) returns a TEXT value containing `n` letters ### Personal data * anon.random_first_name() returns a generic first name * anon.random_last_name() returns a generic last name * anon.random_email() returns a valid email address * anon.random_zip() returns a 5-digit code * anon.random_city() returns an existing city * anon.random_city_in_country(c) returns a city in country `c` * anon.random_region() returns an existing region * anon.random_region_in_country(c) returns a region in country `c` * anon.random_country() returns a country * anon.random_phone(p) return a 8-digit phone with `p` as a prefix ### Company data * anon.random_company() returns a generic company name * anon.random_iban() : returns a valid IBAN * anon.random_siret() : returns a valid SIRET * anon.random_siren() : returns a valid SIREN Performance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So far, we've done very few performance tests. Depending on the size of your data set and number of columns your need to anonymize, you might end up with a very slow process. Here's some ideas : ### Sampling If your need to anonymize data for testing purpose, chances are that a smaller subset of your database will be enough. In that case, you can easily speed up the anonymization by downsizing the volume of data. There are mulitple way to extract a sample of database : * [TABLESAMPLE]( * [pg_sample]( ### Dynamic Masking If you need to limit sensitive data exposure to non-privileged users, you can build _Dynamic Masking Views_ that will automatically replace personal data with anonymized values. For instance: ```SQL CREATE VIEW masked_customer AS SELECT id, anon.random_last_name() AS name, anon.random_date_between('01/01/1920'::DATE,now()) AS birth, fk_last_order, store_id FROM customer; ``` In certain use cases, [Materialized View]( can be usefull here. Feedback ------------------------------------------------------------------------------