/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * plv8.h * * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, the PLV8JS Development Group. *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _PLV8_ #define _PLV8_ #include "plv8_config.h" #include #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT #include #endif // ENABLE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT #include #include extern "C" { #include "postgres.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #include "utils/tuplestore.h" #include "windowapi.h" } #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __attribute__(what) __declspec what #elif !defined(__GNUC__) #define __attribute__(what) #endif /* numbers for plv8 object internal field */ /* Converter for SRF */ #define PLV8_INTNL_CONV 1 /* Tuplestore for SRF */ #define PLV8_INTNL_TUPSTORE 2 /* FunctionCallInfo for window functions */ #define PLV8_INTNL_FCINFO 3 #define PLV8_INTNL_MAX 4 enum Dialect{ PLV8_DIALECT_NONE, PLV8_DIALECT_COFFEE, PLV8_DIALECT_LIVESCRIPT }; /* js_error represents exceptions in JavaScript. */ class js_error { private: char *m_msg; int m_code; char *m_detail; char *m_hint; char *m_context; void init(v8::Isolate *isolate, v8::Local exception, v8::Local message) noexcept; public: js_error() noexcept; explicit js_error(const char *msg) noexcept; explicit js_error(v8::Isolate *isolate, v8::Local exception, v8::Local message) noexcept; explicit js_error(v8::TryCatch &try_catch) noexcept; v8::Local error_object(); __attribute__((noreturn)) void rethrow(const char *msg_format = nullptr) noexcept; void log(int elevel, const char *msg_format = nullptr) noexcept; }; /* * pg_error represents ERROR in postgres. * Instances of the class should be thrown only in PG_CATCH block. */ class pg_error { public: __attribute__((noreturn)) void rethrow() throw(); }; typedef enum plv8_external_array_type { kExternalByteArray = 1, kExternalUnsignedByteArray, kExternalShortArray, kExternalUnsignedShortArray, kExternalIntArray, kExternalUnsignedIntArray, kExternalFloatArray, kExternalDoubleArray, kExternalUnsignedInt64Array, kExternalInt64Array } plv8_external_array_type; /* * When TYPCATEGORY_ARRAY, other fields are for element types. * * Note that postgres doesn't support type modifiers for arguments and result types. */ typedef struct plv8_type { Oid typid; Oid ioparam; int16 len; bool byval; char align; char category; bool is_composite; FmgrInfo fn_input; FmgrInfo fn_output; plv8_external_array_type ext_array; } plv8_type; /* * For the security reasons, the global context is separated * between users and it's associated with user id. */ typedef struct plv8_context { v8::Isolate *isolate; v8::ArrayBuffer::Allocator *array_buffer_allocator; v8::Persistent context; v8::Persistent recv_templ; v8::Persistent compile_context; v8::Persistent plan_template; v8::Persistent cursor_template; v8::Persistent window_template; v8::Local localContext() { return v8::Local::New(isolate, context) ; } bool is_dead; bool interrupted; Oid user_id; std::vector, v8::Global, v8::Global>> unhandled_promises; bool ignore_unhandled_promises; } plv8_context; /* * A multibyte string in the database encoding. It works more effective * when the encoding is UTF8. */ class CString { private: v8::String::Utf8Value m_utf8; char *m_str; public: explicit CString(v8::Handle value); ~CString(); operator char* () { return m_str; } operator const char* () const { return m_str; } const char* str(const char *ifnull = NULL) const { return m_str ? m_str : ifnull; } static bool toStdString(v8::Handle value, std::string &out); private: CString(const CString&); CString& operator = (const CString&); }; /* * Records in postgres to JSON in v8 converter. */ class Converter { private: TupleDesc m_tupdesc; std::vector< v8::Handle > m_colnames; std::vector< plv8_type > m_coltypes; bool m_is_scalar; MemoryContext m_memcontext; public: Converter(TupleDesc tupdesc); Converter(TupleDesc tupdesc, bool is_scalar); ~Converter(); v8::Local ToValue(HeapTuple tuple); Datum ToDatum(v8::Handle value, Tuplestorestate *tupstore = NULL); private: Converter(const Converter&); Converter& operator = (const Converter&); void Init(); }; /* * Provide JavaScript JSON object functionality. */ class JSONObject { private: v8::Handle m_json; public: JSONObject(); v8::Handle Parse(v8::Handle str); v8::Handle Stringify(v8::Handle val); }; /* * Check if this is a window function call. If so, we store fcinfo * in plv8 object for API to use it. It would be possible to do it * in the normal function cases, but currently nobody is using it * and probably adds overhead. We need a class because the destructor * makes sure the restore happens. */ class WindowFunctionSupport { private: WindowObject m_winobj; v8::Handle m_plv8obj; v8::Handle m_prev_fcinfo; public: WindowFunctionSupport(v8::Handle context, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo) { m_winobj = PG_WINDOW_OBJECT(); if (WindowObjectIsValid(m_winobj)) { m_plv8obj = v8::Handle::Cast( context->Global()->Get(context, v8::String::NewFromUtf8Literal( context->GetIsolate(), "plv8", v8::NewStringType::kInternalized)).ToLocalChecked()); if (m_plv8obj.IsEmpty()) throw js_error("plv8 object not found"); /* Stash the current item, just in case of nested call */ m_prev_fcinfo = m_plv8obj->GetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_FCINFO); m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_FCINFO, v8::External::New(context->GetIsolate(), fcinfo)); } } bool IsWindowCall() { return WindowObjectIsValid(m_winobj); } WindowObject GetWindowObject() { return m_winobj; } ~WindowFunctionSupport() { /* Restore the previous fcinfo if we saved. */ if (WindowObjectIsValid(m_winobj)) { m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_FCINFO, m_prev_fcinfo); } } }; /* * In case this is nested via SPI, stash pre-registered converters * for the previous SRF. We need a class because the destructor makes * sure the restore happens. */ class SRFSupport { private: v8::Handle m_plv8obj; v8::Handle m_prev_conv, m_prev_tupstore; public: SRFSupport(v8::Handle context, Converter *conv, Tuplestorestate *tupstore) { v8::Local m_val; if (!context->Global()->Get(context, v8::String::NewFromUtf8Literal( context->GetIsolate(), "plv8", v8::NewStringType::kInternalized)).ToLocal(&m_val)) throw js_error("plv8 object not found"); m_plv8obj = v8::Handle::Cast(m_val); m_prev_conv = m_plv8obj->GetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_CONV); m_prev_tupstore = m_plv8obj->GetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_TUPSTORE); m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_CONV, v8::External::New(context->GetIsolate(), conv)); m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_TUPSTORE, v8::External::New(context->GetIsolate(), tupstore)); } ~SRFSupport() { /* Restore the previous items. */ m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_CONV, m_prev_conv); m_plv8obj->SetInternalField(PLV8_INTNL_TUPSTORE, m_prev_tupstore); } }; extern plv8_context* current_context; extern v8::Local find_js_function(Oid fn_oid); extern v8::Local find_js_function_by_name(const char *signature); extern const char *FormatSPIStatus(int status) throw(); extern plv8_type *get_plv8_type(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS, int argno); // plv8_type.cc extern void plv8_fill_type(plv8_type *type, Oid typid, MemoryContext mcxt = NULL); extern Oid inferred_datum_type(v8::Handle value); extern Datum ToDatum(v8::Handle value, bool *isnull, plv8_type *type); extern v8::Local ToValue(Datum datum, bool isnull, plv8_type *type); extern v8::Local ToString(Datum value, plv8_type *type); extern v8::Local ToString(const char *str, int len = -1, int encoding = GetDatabaseEncoding()); extern char *ToCString(const v8::String::Utf8Value &value); extern char *ToCStringCopy(const v8::String::Utf8Value &value); // plv8_func.cc extern v8::Handle CreateYieldFunction(Converter *conv, Tuplestorestate *tupstore); extern void Subtransaction(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info) throw(); extern void SetupPlv8Functions(v8::Handle plv8); extern void SetupPrepFunctions(v8::Handle templ); extern void SetupCursorFunctions(v8::Handle templ); extern void SetupWindowFunctions(v8::Handle templ); extern void HandleUnhandledPromiseRejections(); extern void GetMemoryInfo(v8::Local obj); extern struct config_generic *plv8_find_option(const char *name); char *plv8_string_option(struct config_generic * record); int plv8_int_option(struct config_generic * record); #endif // _PLV8_