LOAD 'plpgsql'; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql_check; NOTICE: extension "plpgsql_check" already exists, skipping -- check event trigger function create or replace function f1() returns event_trigger as $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'test_event_trigger: % %', tg_event, tg_tag; END $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function_tb('f1()'); functionid | lineno | statement | sqlstate | message | detail | hint | level | position | query | context ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------+--------+------+-------+----------+-------+--------- (0 rows) -- should fail create or replace function f1() returns event_trigger as $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'test_event_trigger: % %', tg_event, tg_tagX; END $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function_tb('f1()'); functionid | lineno | statement | sqlstate | message | detail | hint | level | position | query | context ------------+--------+-----------+----------+---------------------------------+--------+------+-------+----------+----------------+--------- f1 | 3 | RAISE | 42703 | column "tg_tagx" does not exist | | | error | 8 | SELECT tg_tagX | (1 row) drop function f1(); -- check event trigger function create or replace function f1() returns event_trigger as $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'test_event_trigger: % %', tg_event, tg_tag; END $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------ (0 rows) -- should fail create or replace function f1() returns event_trigger as $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'test_event_trigger: % %', tg_event, tg_tagX; END $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()'); plpgsql_check_function ----------------------------------------------------- error:42703:3:RAISE:column "tg_tagx" does not exist Query: SELECT tg_tagX -- ^ (3 rows) drop function f1(); create table t1tab(a int, b int); create or replace function f1() returns setof t1tab as $$ begin return next (10,20); return; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()', performance_warnings => true); plpgsql_check_function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- performance:00000:routine is marked as VOLATILE, should be IMMUTABLE Hint: When you fix this issue, please, recheck other functions that uses this function. (2 rows) create or replace function f1() returns setof t1tab as $$ begin return next (10::numeric,20); return; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()', performance_warnings => true); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ error:42804:3:RETURN NEXT:returned record type does not match expected record type Detail: Returned type numeric does not match expected type integer in column 1. (2 rows) create or replace function f1() returns setof t1tab as $$ declare a int; b int; begin return next (a,b); return; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()', performance_warnings => true); plpgsql_check_function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- performance:00000:routine is marked as VOLATILE, should be IMMUTABLE Hint: When you fix this issue, please, recheck other functions that uses this function. (2 rows) create or replace function f1() returns setof t1tab as $$ declare a numeric; b int; begin return next (a,b::numeric); return; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()', performance_warnings => true); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ error:42804:4:RETURN NEXT:returned record type does not match expected record type Detail: Returned type numeric does not match expected type integer in column 1. (2 rows) drop function f1(); create table t1(a int, b int); create or replace function fx() returns t2 as $$ begin return (10,20,30)::t1; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('fx()', performance_warnings => true); plpgsql_check_function ---------------------------------------------------- error:42846:3:RETURN:cannot cast type record to t1 Query: SELECT (10,20,30)::t1 -- ^ Detail: Input has too many columns. (4 rows) drop function fx(); drop table t1tab; drop table t1; create or replace function fx() returns void as $$ begin assert exists(select * from foo); assert false, (select boo from boo limit 1); end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('fx()', fatal_errors => false); plpgsql_check_function ---------------------------------------------------- error:42P01:3:ASSERT:relation "foo" does not exist Query: SELECT exists(select * from foo) -- ^ error:42P01:4:ASSERT:relation "boo" does not exist Query: SELECT (select boo from boo limit 1) -- ^ (6 rows) create or replace function ml_trg() returns trigger as $$ #option dump declare begin if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then if NEW.status_from IS NULL then begin -- performance issue only select status into NEW.status_from from pa where pa_id = NEW.pa_id; -- nonexist target value select status into NEW.status_from_xxx from pa where pa_id = NEW.pa_id; exception when DATA_EXCEPTION then new.status_from := 'DE'; end; end if; end if; if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then return OLD; else return NEW; end if; exception when OTHERS then NULL; if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then return OLD; else return NEW; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('ml_trg()', 'ml', performance_warnings := true); plpgsql_check_function -------------------------------------------------------------------------- error:42703:13:SQL statement:record "new" has no field "status_from_xxx" (1 row) create or replace function fx2() returns void as $$ declare _pa pa; begin select pa.id into _pa.id from pa limit 1; select pa.pa_id into _pa.pa_id from pa limit 1; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('fx2()', performance_warnings := true); plpgsql_check_function --------------------------------------------------------- warning extra:00000:2:DECLARE:never read variable "_pa" (1 row) drop function fx2(); create or replace function fx2() returns void as $$ declare _pa pa; begin _pa.id := (select pa.id from pa limit 1); _pa.pa_id := (select pa.pa_id from pa limit 1); end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('fx2()', performance_warnings := true); plpgsql_check_function --------------------------------------------------------- warning extra:00000:2:DECLARE:never read variable "_pa" (1 row) drop function fx2(); create type _exception_type as ( state text, message text, detail text); create or replace function f1() returns void as $$ declare _exception record; begin _exception := NULL::_exception_type; exception when others then get stacked diagnostics _exception.state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, _exception.message = MESSAGE_TEXT, _exception.detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, _exception.hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; end; $$ language plpgsql; select f1(); f1 ---- (1 row) select * from plpgsql_check_function_tb('f1()'); functionid | lineno | statement | sqlstate | message | detail | hint | level | position | query | context ------------+--------+-------------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------+--------+------+-------+----------+-------+--------- f1 | 7 | GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS | 42703 | record "_exception" has no field "hint" | | | error | | | (1 row) create or replace function f1() returns void as $$ declare _exception _exception_type; begin _exception := NULL::_exception_type; exception when others then get stacked diagnostics _exception.state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, _exception.message = MESSAGE_TEXT, _exception.detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL; end; $$ language plpgsql; select f1(); f1 ---- (1 row) select * from plpgsql_check_function_tb('f1()'); functionid | lineno | statement | sqlstate | message | detail | hint | level | position | query | context ------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------+--------+------+---------------+----------+-------+--------- f1 | 3 | DECLARE | 00000 | never read variable "_exception" | | | warning extra | | | (1 row) drop function f1(); drop type _exception_type; create type _exception_type as ( state text, message text, detail text); create or replace function f1() returns void as $$ declare _exception record; begin _exception := NULL::_exception_type; exception when others then get stacked diagnostics _exception.state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, _exception.message = MESSAGE_TEXT, _exception.detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, _exception.hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; end; $$ language plpgsql; select f1(); f1 ---- (1 row) select * from plpgsql_check_function('f1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error:42703:7:GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS:record "_exception" has no field "hint" (1 row) drop function f1(); drop type _exception_type; create table footab(a int, b int, c int); create or replace function footab_trig_func() returns trigger as $$ declare x int; begin if false then -- should be ok; select count(*) from newtab into x; -- should fail; select count(*) from newtab where d = 10 into x; end if; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('footab_trig_func','footab', newtable := 'newtab'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------------------------------------- error:42703:9:SQL statement:column "d" does not exist Query: select count(*) from newtab where d = 10 -- ^ (3 rows) drop table footab; drop function footab_trig_func(); /* * These function's cannot be executed in Postgres 9.5, because * Postgres there doesn't support plpgsql functions with record * type arguments. */ create or replace function df1(anyelement) returns anyelement as $$ begin return $1; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function df2(anyelement, jsonb) returns anyelement as $$ begin return $1; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r record; begin r := df1(r); end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- error:55000:5:assignment:record "r" is not assigned yet Detail: The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate. Context: SQL statement "SELECT df1(r)" (3 rows) create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r record; begin r := df2(r, '{}'); end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- error:55000:5:assignment:record "r" is not assigned yet Detail: The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate. Context: SQL statement "SELECT df2(r, '{}')" (3 rows) create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r1 record; r2 record; begin select 10 as a, 20 as b into r1; r2 := df1(r1); raise notice '%', r2.a; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------ (0 rows) create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r1 record; r2 record; begin select 10 as a, 20 as b into r1; r2 := df2(r1, '{}'); raise notice '%', r2.a; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------ (0 rows) create or replace function df1(anyelement) returns anyelement as $$ select $1 $$ language sql; create or replace function df22(jsonb, anyelement) returns anyelement as $$ select $2; $$ language sql; create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r1 record; r2 record; begin select 10 as a, 20 as b into r1; r2 := df1(r1); raise notice '%', r2.a; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------ (0 rows) create or replace function t1() returns void as $$ declare r1 record; r2 record; begin select 10 as a, 20 as b into r1; r2 := df22('{}', r1); raise notice '%', r2.a; end; $$ language plpgsql; select * from plpgsql_check_function('t1()'); plpgsql_check_function ------------------------ (0 rows) drop function df1(anyelement); drop function df2(anyelement, jsonb); drop function df22(jsonb, anyelement); drop function t1();