\unset ECHO psql:plparrot.sql:18: NOTICE: language "plparrot" does not exist, skipping psql:plparrot.sql:22: NOTICE: language "plparrotu" does not exist, skipping psql:plparrot.sql:26: NOTICE: language "plpir" does not exist, skipping psql:plparrot.sql:30: NOTICE: language "plpiru" does not exist, skipping psql:plparrot.sql:33: NOTICE: language "plperl6" does not exist, skipping psql:plparrot.sql:36: NOTICE: language "plperl6u" does not exist, skipping 1..33 ok 1 - we can .include PIR libraries included with Parrot ok 2 - we can load_bytecode PBC libraries included with Parrot ok 3 - FileHandle.open is mocked in PL/PIR ok 4 - FileHandle.open is not mocked in PL/PIRU ok 5 - File.open is mocked ok 6 - We can pass a text in ok 7 - We can return a text ok 8 - We can pass a varchar in ok 9 - We can return a varchar ok 10 - We can concat and return a varchar ok 11 - We can pass an int and float as arguments ok 12 - We can pass a char in ok 13 - We can return a char ok 14 - We can pass in an int ok 15 - We can return an int ok 16 - plpir is an alias for plparrot ok 17 - plpiru can return values ok 18 - plparrotu can return values ok 19 - Immutable works ok 20 - Strict works ok 21 - We can increment an int and return it ok 22 - We can return an int ok 23 - We can return void ok 24 - We can return a float ok 25 - We can add to a float and return it ok 26 - We can pass a timestamp in ok 27 - We can return a timestamp ok 28 - We can pass a timestamptz in ok 29 - We can return a timestamptz ok 30 - We can pass a time in ok 31 - We can return a time ok 32 - PL/Parrot should be trusted ok 33 - PL/PIR should be trusted