{ "name": "pgzint", "abstract": "A PostgreSQL extension for the Zint barcode library", "description": "This library contains a PostgreSQL extension called pgzint, which allows you to generate PNG-formatted barcode images from a number of different symbologies supported by Zint. It includes a helper view and table for information about supported barcode symbols, as well as convenience functions for generating default barcodes from input text.", "version": "0.1.1", "maintainer": [ "David Beauchamp " ], "license": "mit", "provides": { "pgzint": { "abstract": "A PostgreSQL extension for the Zint barcode library", "file": "pgzint--0.1.1.sql", "docfile": "README.md", "version": "0.1.1" } }, "resources": { "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/davidbeauchamp/pgzint/issues/" }, "repository": { "url": "git://github.com/davidbeauchamp/pgzint.git", "web": "https://github.com/davidbeauchamp/pgzint", "type": "git" } }, "generated_by": "David Beauchamp", "meta-spec": { "version": "1.0.0", "url": "http://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt" }, "tags": [ "pgzint", "zint", "barcode", "symbols", "qr", "qr code", "PDF417" ] }