---- -- Regression test to Global Temporary Table implementation -- -- This test is not part of the regression tests run with -- make check install because it need manual changes. -- -- Test for extension privilege to use non-superuser role. -- For this test the extension must have been registered as -- a plugin to allow simple user to use LOAD of the extension. -- See Installation instruction in documentation for details. -- Then execute: -- -- createdb gtt_privilege -- LANG=C psql -d gtt_privilege -f test/privilege.sql > results/privilege.out 2>&1 -- diff results/privilege.out test/expected/privilege.out -- dropdb gtt_privilege -- dropuser pgtt_user1 -- ---- -- As superuser CREATE ROLE pgtt_user1 LOGIN; CREATE EXTENSION pgtt; \c - pgtt_user1 -- Import the library LOAD '$libdir/plugins/pgtt'; SHOW search_path; -- Create a GTT like table with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS CREATE /*GLOBAL*/ TEMPORARY TABLE t_glob_temptable1 (id integer, lbl text) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; -- Look at Global Temporary Table definition SELECT nspname, relname, preserved, code FROM pgtt_schema.pg_global_temp_tables; -- With the first insert some value in the temporary table INSERT INTO t_glob_temptable1 VALUES (1, 'One'); INSERT INTO t_glob_temptable1 VALUES (2, 'two'); -- Look if we have two tables now SELECT n.nspname, c.relname FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (c.relnamespace=n.oid) WHERE relname = 't_glob_temptable1'; SET pgtt.enabled TO off; SELECT * FROM pgtt_schema.t_glob_temptable1; SET pgtt.enabled TO on; SELECT * FROM t_glob_temptable1;