Version 2.4 - Jun 04 2021 This version allow use of the extension by non superuser and especially the creation and maintenance of GTT. It also fixes compatibility with PostgreSQL v14. Here is the full list of changes: - Fix FailedAssertion "flags & HASH_STRINGS" with PG14. Thanks to MigOps for the patch. - Check for minimum pg version in the C code instead of Makefile. Thanks to MigOps for the patch. - Fixed compiling for PostgreSQL 14. Thanks to Dmitry Ukolov for the patch. - Fix documentation about privilege to set on pgtt_schema for a non superuser role. - Allow creation and maintenance of Global Temporary Tables by non superuser. This require that the user can use schema pgtt_schema and can write to table pg_schema.pg_global_temp_tables. - The library can now be loaded by the user using: LOAD '$libdir/plugins/'; Thanks to Dmitry Ukolov for the feature request. - Fix two crashes when --enable-cassert is used. Thanks to hanson69 for the report. - Fix comment and index on PGTT table. Thanks to Dmitry Ukolov for the report. - Fix unexpected error "attempt to create referential integrity constraint on global temporary table" when creating a regular table and fix detection of FK and throw an error on create global temporary table statement. Thanks to Dmitry Ukolov for the report. - Fix impossibility to recreate GTT if it was dropped in another session. Thanks to Dmitry Ukolov for the report. - Remove useless extension's downgrade files. Thanks to MigOps for the patch. Version 2.3 - Apr 02 2021 This version fix the compatibility with PostgreSQL 10 and 11. When use on PostgreSQL 10 and 11 the following was raised ERROR: unrecognized node type: 375 Thanks to smallcookie086 for the report. Add upgrade/downgrade SQL files. Version 2.2 - Nov 08 2020 This release is a port of the extension for PostgreSQL v12 and v13. Works now on all PostgreSQL version from v9.5 to current. It also fixes automatic creation of the underlying temporary table after a rollback. Other fixes: - Fix regression test for all supported PG version. - Replace call to \d in regression tests, they do not report the same information following PG version. - Remove test about partitioning as it returns a failure for PG < 10. - Update regression tests to avoid failure related to temp table id. - Add regression test for error on rollback issue. Version 2.1 - May 11 2020 This is a maintenance release to complete the work on the extension and fix some issues. * Prevent use of foreign keys with GTT, not that PostgreSQL do not allow it but just to mimic the behavior of Oracle and other RDBMS like DB2, SQL Server and MySQL for example. * Raise an error on an attempt to partition a Global Temporary Table. This is not supported, again not because PostgreSQL do not allow partition on temporary table but because other RDBMS like Oracle, DB2 and MySQL do not support it. * Add support to comments, constraints and identity columns clauses when creating the GTT. Other fixes: - Add regression tests on partitioning and FK. - Exclude regression.* files from git scope. - Improve documentation and add information about constraints. - Add documentation about unsupported FK and partition on GTT. - Fix missing files for expected test results. - Fix exclusion of .out and results directory. - Update regression tests about changes on CREATE TABLE ... LIKE. - Fix some typo in documentation and markdown titles. Version 2.0 - April 19 2020 Initial release.